May 01, 2005 19:16 was at ma friends house..well itzlike aparty/party for a communion nd i guess itz ok.well this is how ma day was....Today i woke upMAD early(6:00)ndm,a dog was barkin like hell!!!!he was pissin me yea..then i cooked breakfast ferme b/c no one else was up nd iwashungry. theni was walkin aroundin circles. then i wenttocvs like at 8 w/ ma dad nd sis nd i bought a whole bunch of hairproducts nd ma mommy acard(fer mothers day.then while the rest ofthe family was eatin i didmalaundry(JOY!!)<----sarcasm
then we went toichurch ndi GUESSit was ok(ok no it wasnt)lol then me nd ma family wentto Taco Bell(yummy) nd then i cametoma friendshouse. i feellike a little kid SO much!!! b/c i was ridind a scooter upnd downtheblock nd these teenagers keptlookin at me all weird it was MAD fun. but now i got over it!!!!but seriously ridingascooter up nd down a hill is MAD fun!!!!!!! try it sumtime!!!!!!! well i ate yummy cake nd now im bored(yu kno wat i noticed...... that once i go on the computer i get bored...WEIRD)lol. well if suttin fun...or interesting happens ill update