Sep 09, 2004 15:33
I often consider myself to act out based upon the emotions that move me. There is often a possiblity of me doing acts of silliness, because of my zeal for life. When this is the case, others might be baffled, because the joke that is in my head may not make sense to the rest of the world. An example of this would be how when making my bulletin board for my floor, LaToya started doodling flowers all over it. The theme of the board had to be, "Team is it in You?". Well, how can a team be flowers? We discussed it, and giggled and she came up with..."Our team blooms together like flowers." Thats really cheezy, and I decided that it was corny enough to make people say, "What is our RA smoking?!" So, I went with it, and through training I kept sticking with the idea, while my colleauges gave me the same look of bewilderment,probably thinking that I had lost it. Well, perhaps I really did lose it. I mean, think about it. This is my last semester of undergrad, and then I go off to live in the "real" world, without the luxary of dorm life. I have to survive on my own, and muster all that strength that I am not sure I have, in the deepest crater of my soul in order to become a woman of integrity and strength who can survive any obstacle with ease. All the sudden that little girl is supposed to disapear and super woman will emerge to save the day. I mean, I want super woman to win because I know that I don't want to rely on men for the rest of my life. "Women have many faults. Men have only two. Everything they say and everything they do." But, perhaps there is nothing wrong with the actions of men, it is just the interpretation of actions by women. So, today in class, there I was sitting, minding my own business, day dreaming about a million things more interesting, then what was being talked about. Then Dr. Nair comes over to me with 15 Cauldron newspapers that had my picture in the Bull Horn section saying: "Our team blooms like flowers." The silly quote wasn't even quoted correctly and here was my professor saying that I could put this silly nonsense comment and aweful picture of myself in my portfolio. Of course, no one in the class knew the meaning of the quote or that it was supposed to be funny. They all just looked at me with two expressions. One was the, "What are you smoking?" expression. The other was the, "Awww, she is so cheezy she must be a caring person" expression. Either way, it was an odd moment because I couldn't really express why I thought the quote was funny in the first place and Dr. Nair never asked the meaning of the comment. He seemed proud that one of his students was published in the Cauldron. What the heck?! It's not like I got the Nobel Prize! I was just being silly. Now, when I go on an interview, does that really mean that I should show them the picture of me saying "Our team blooms like flowers?" So, If you want a copy of the Cauldron I got plenty to go around. And, no I do not intend to give every member of my family a copy for Christmas. My professor also made a big deal about a student getting published on Big deal! They make you pay $50 for a book of poems and they put your poem in there too, while they make it seem like your poem is unique and articulate. I'm not a poetic genius and they sent me the congratulatory letter! For all of you who are wondering, I do love Dr. Nair. His idealism and passion reminds me of my own, and it is a relief to know that I am not alone in my cheezyness.