What is it you like about yourself?
I like bein' a vampire with a soul. My soul made me unique. It made different than any run of the mill vamps. Not heartless or uncarin'. Not full of hate and rage. Instead bein' a good man, and an even better demon.
So think that's what I like the most about myself. I like that I'm good. Despite all the crap I've suffered. All the pain. All the death. Heaven or hell. Soul or no soul. I'm still good.
I could yammer on about the many positive attributes I possess. But am tryin' to cut back on the braggin'. So will just keep it short if possible. I'll say I like bein' a wonderful hero. I like bein' a good bloke who lived... and loved. Who never gave up on his friends, or loved ones. A bloke - brave, noble, and selfless, as the night is long. A heroic man that lived everyday to the fullest. Done the best he could. Saved countless lives. Made a difference.
Theatrical_Muse: Topic #381
Muse: Spike
Fandom: Buffy/Angel The Series
Words: 184