Still in the city of Angels. And
deadly_dru has been lookin' for 'er loser of a sire. I know she misses her daddy, but
Angel ain't Angelus. Even as Angelus I couldn't stand the bugger. So lucky for 'er and me that she didn't find the git. We really don't need any more trouble with 'em. Good or bad, things never end well when that poofters involved. So yeah, need to make sure Dru doesn't go lookin' for 'er sire.
She is easily distracted by other things, such as the shinny jewelry I let 'er keep. And we had a great time in chinatown. Nothin' compared to the Boxer Rebellion... but how often can there be excitin' times like that. Course with this bleedin' chip still zappin' me... not able t' have any real fun anymore. Yet the food we had wasn't that bad. Was better than the crap the butcher sells in Sunnyhell.
Anyway, not sure what my next move is. Although thinkin' that LA isn't the place for me. So need t' see what Dru want's t' do next. As long as can get out of this city without to much trouble, then that would be very good.