Dec 19, 2005 21:24
i have survived my first semester in new york, granted i make it out tomarrow. (which there is a chance i might not cuz there is a MTA strike in process) i cant reall speak well now for some reason. i dont know whys.
finals went well. here is the order
gouache painting, i worked my butt off to make extra stuff, i think i done well. jon doesnt grade hard, and he is very british, so i think he will be nice to me
illustration i have no idea. yuko doesnt know what to do with me because im not a retarded student who doesnt think. for i am angry and always thinking in class. meh, im switching out
western civ, final exam went allright, i think i passed, and last exam i did much better than i thought i did, so thats good. plus carl likes me.
drawing, jon loves me, for i am a thin, slender boy who can draw, which is just his type. hehe, i tihnk he told me i have an A anyways.
painting, mary jo told me today i have a definate A, and she was really impressed with my final masters copy. i like paint.
history, mary jo and teresea loved my final, and i talk in class. plus i did good on the final exam, so i think i did good.
i hope my GPA is good. one to keep my scholarship, and two to keep the fam off my back. i think im good at being in college, maybe i can make a career out of, not really no.
jesus was a black man.