extremely old kpfm shiz

Feb 19, 2012 00:00

city hunter; yoonsung/nana, afterglow
nana curls herself against his warmth, burying her face into the crook of his neck. yoonsung chuckles, and she can feel it reverberating from where her fingertips graze his chest and into her skin.

"if i had known how easy you were," his voice is deep and teasing, and it's ridiculous how it still makes her insides flutter in anticipation. "i would've gotten you in bed much sooner."

nana nips at the hollow of his throat, and yoonsung makes a keening noise that's kind of fucking adorable.

"be careful with what you say," she warns lightly, lifting her head to whisper at his jaw. "i might just flip you over like back in judo training, you unlucky bastard."

yoonsung's eyes darken, molten in a heat that nana isn't sure she can contain, and the corners of his lips lift into a smirk.

"oh, please do."

nana rolls her eyes good-naturedly, before getting out of bed and scooping up his shirt with her. she buttons it on the way to the bathroom, and feels a blush bloom on her cheeks when she hears yoonsung call out have i told you how hot you look in my clothes?

nana comes out a few moments later, decidedly less sticky and gross to find yoonsung lying on his stomach, head resting on his arm and watching her with something in his eyes that makes her heart swell and ache in the best way possible. she crawls back onto the bed, pressing butterfly kisses against his bare skin of his back. yoonsung shivers when her lips graze his left shoulder, the scar flexing over sinewy muscle.

nana pulls back, watching his expression. his lips are pressed in a thin line and his eyes are steady and unwavering, but she can tell how nervous he is by the twitch of his jaw. her fingertips stretch over the ridges of the old wound, lightly tracing and pressing as if it still hurt.

maybe it did.

"was this," her voice breaks a little, and yoonsung winces. "did - did i do this?"

"you didn't know," he says quietly, and nana can't even describe how relieved she feels when she doesn't hear any blame in his voice. "you had no idea it was me."

it doesn't ease the wracking guilt that courses through her, that she's hurt him. yoonsung, the man she can't even stand - can't even stand to be without. her throat burns as her fingers tremble, wandering over the expanse of his back to other scars - older, tougher ones that make heart ache for the yoonsung before, the yoonsung that wasn't lucky enough to escape the terrible, lonely life he had.

"and these ones?" nana asks, almost afraid to hear the stories behind them.

yoonsung laughs, and it's soft and wry and a little sad.

"battle scars. training. landmines. father."

he says these things without any emotion, as if they didn't mean anything to him anymore. nana looks at him, looks at his angular jawline and his sharp cheekbones and his glittering eyes and wonders how on earth he still has so much heart and faith and soul when he's lost so much and gained so little.

yoonsung gasps when he feels nana's lips against the scars on his back, kissing and suckling and laving over the raised skin as if it would heal it. she reaches the one on his shoulder, her one, and yoonsung can't help but close his eyes when she breathes over it, cooing over the scar.

"i would never hurt you," she whispers fiercely against his skin, and he feels the conviction thrum into his nerves. "not on purpose - not if i knew. not even to kiss it better."

nana lets out a surprised squeak when yoonsung turns her over, pinning her between his legs. he kisses her deeply, hands cupping her face and roaming over her hips and clutching her legs. nana kisses him right back, pushing herself flush against his chest and threading her fingers through impossibly soft hair.

"i know," yoonsung mumbles harshly, desperately, against the skin under her earlobe. "i know."

and nana feels forgiven.


city hunter; yoonsung/nana, the old ball and chain

"where on earth do you think you're going?"

yoonsung freezes, wincing as he turns around, dressed head to toe in black. nana places her hands her hips and glares fiercely at him.

"i - i was just going to buy some milk," he mentally cringes as he hears himself stutter. "um - because we're out of it, you know."

nana raises an eyebrow.

"really now?" she asks faux-nonchalantly, propping herself against the door frame. "so this has nothing to do with the new minister of defence making illegal arms deals with japan?"

yoonsung's eyes betray nothing.

"i had no idea." he says coolly.

nana narrows her eyes.

"bullshit. you promised me you wouldn't go out on these recon missions without me anymore," she folds her arms over her chest. "so either let me come along or get back in your pyjamas."

"i can't let you come along! it's too dangerous!" yoonsung bursts out, his eyes doing the crazy darting thing nana knows they do when he gets especially worked up. "what about the baby?"

"i'm only two months pregnant," nana huffs. "i'm perfectly capable of doing things like staking out at some creepy old man's house or cracking safe codes. and still have some energy left to kick your ass." she adds primly.

"but - but -" yoonsung is spluttering now, but nana waves him off.

"it's settled. i'm going to change now," she begins to walk back into their bedroom, before she spins on her heel and points an accusing finger at him. "and if you dare leave without me, don't even think about touching me for a long time."

yoonsung is left gaping as his wife traipses away, humming a tune she knows pisses him off.

"yeah well," he hollers as he tries to take a peek of her changing. "i'm not letting you have a gun this time!"


city hunter; yoonsung/nana, the stuff of nightmares

yoonsung isn't stupid. he knows how much nana means to him (too much), knows how much he'll give up for her, knows the lengths he'll go to protect her.

yoonsung can't help but slip when he's around nana. she is light, seeping out from the goodness of her heart and the dimples of her brightest smile. she is hope, redemption - something that he reaches out for in his dreams, wishing he could just touch.

nana is something yoonsung isn't sure he deserves.

she is your weakness, he hears his father's voice hiss in the back of his head. she is not yours and she never will be because she can never know because if she did she would die and you don't want that now, do you?

so when nana (sweet, beautiful, untouchable, you-don't-know-how-much-you-mean-to-me nana) tells him she likes him, really, really likes him, in this brave little voice with those shining eyes, yoonsung feels something in himself lurch, stumble and nearly careen over the edge before he finds the steel his father had reinforced in his spine (heart).

"i should pretend not to know you anymore," it literally hurts to speak, but yoonsung has gone through pain like this before. "i can't stand it."

he doesn't look back because he knows if he does, she'll tell that he was lying.

(yoonsung has a dream that night.

he can feel blood oozing out of his body, his strength sapping away but he's still moving, fumbling, somewhere in the dark.

nana appears before him, bathed in light and resplendent in a white dress. yoonsung is confused, because it's not supposed to be like this. she's not supposed to see him like this or see him at all or -

"i love you." she says, smiling gently, before lifting a revolver to his chest.

he hears the familiar click of a gun barrel before he wakes up.)


2pm; make love in this club


"hyung, if you fucking throw up one more time i'm not letting you back in the limo."

junsu merely flips chansung the bird before going back to upheaving his insides on the curb. nichkhun cringes at the smell.

"come on, we still have three more clubs i want to go to!" wooyoung crows, bouncing on the balls of his feet.

"wait for taec and junho," nichkhun reminds him absent-mindedly, surreptitiously texting victoria.

"hey! we said no girls tonight!" chansung hollers, pointing at nichkhun's phone accusingly. "you know the rules. hand it over."

nichkhun is grumbling as wooyoung snatches his phone and pockets it, before taecyeon and junho burst out of the club doors, looking harried and panicked.

well, taecyeon is.

"go go GO!" he practically shrieks, shoving at the boys. "fucking junho was caught making out with the boss's girlfriend and HE'S GOT A GODDAMN BASEBALL BAT!"

"she didn't tell me that when we were hooking up!" junho protests hotly, wiping at lipstick stains on his chin.

there's a mild pandemonium as six boys attempt to cram into one limo door, before they finally figure out it was easier to go one by one. by the time junsu tumbles in chansung had already yelled at the chaffeur to start driving, peeling away from the curb and just missing the livid club owner.

"fuck you junho," wooyoung grumbles as he jostles for seat space. "i liked that place and now we can't go back."

junho shrugs, smirking as he types in a number scrawled on the back of his hand into his phone.

"it's only midnight - there are plenty of other clubs we can go to." nichkhun reassures the blonde.

junsu, finally a little more conscious, furrows his brows.

"hey taec, what happened to your lamborghini?"


fandom; 2pm, pairing; yoonsung/nana, fic; drabble, fandom; city hunter, fic; oneshot

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