Oct 01, 2004 22:56
Well Im over my illness, I was in bed knocking on deaths door, a priest was by my side giving me my last rights but becasue of my awesome regenerative capabilities that only I and now you all know about....I was able to pull through in the nik of time and save my own life ^__^ yay for me ^_^
Tom came over tonight and borrowed a further 5 DVD's from me and as he left my room my brother walked in past us and borrowed my Alien Quadrilogy boxest?!! I feel like fucking Blockbuster video o_O
Still... its cool I guess? Ive had to compile a list of stuff thats on loan, my mate Scotts got a couple as well grrrr!
My Grandma and Grandad are down at the moment, Ive spent the night being regailed with stories of old and past memories of places long gone ect ect...its nice, I love my Grandfolks they're so wise and full of knowledge and wisdom, my Grandmother is especially matriarchal, she always knows how to deal with a problem and knows the right thing to say....all powerful and wise like Yoda???
I read my first review of AVP in Hotdog magazine and they gave it 2 out of 5....bastards.....what do they know, all these critics ever do is compare new things to old things and then slag them off coz they dont messure up to the original??? fuckers!!! As far as Im concerned so long as the film contains what I want it to contain then Im happy I couldnt give a shit about anyone elses opinions, as my art history lecturer used to say:
"The only person in here with any taste is me!!" - your damn right!