May 12, 2009 12:32
Everyday I wake up feeling better and better...
One wonders why in the hell I didn't go regularly (read: AT ALL...) to the gym earlier in my life...
Now I go twice a week for nearly 2:30 hours a pop...and I fill in the off days with doing your random pushups, free weights, and this 4 mile Walk dvd thing my wife bought...It's just staggering how much more energy I have now...not to mention looking better in the old wardrobe depot...It's just great...(now if i can just get a normal amount of sleep I will be golden...)
Though for all the wonders I feel towards the exercise...its really just an obsession, albeit a more healthy obsession than the playing World of Warcraft for nearly every bit of free time I ever had for the past 4 years or so, but an obsession nevertheless...that was not an attack on people that still like to do that...its a great game..and I really miss being on it sometimes (mainly for the fact that nearly all my friends still play it)...but yeah that is a road I no longer walk in life...
Honestly...not obsessing on things would be a step up in my psyche, it would surely have saved me the mess with almost becoming an alcoholic, and the black twisting depression periods I used to regularly have to trudge through...but when you have an addictive/obsessive personality that is your lot for the most part...and well ya just have to make do...
But obsession on the working out...for good or Ill... is really what is keeping me sane and happy on a constant basis...(that and not being abandoned on the friend front no matter how crazy I was getting toward the end there...THANKS! all certainly...)
So yay! on that front...
Have a good day all...