Title: Sunrise, Sunset
Characters: Ten, Jack
Rating: G
Disclaimer: much too broke to own,
Summary: The beauty of a sunrise, and the finality of a sunset.
A/N: another offering to the marathon work week of
nightrider101, who also graciously beta'ed.
He watched the early morning hours of a new day breaking slowly across the horizon. Golden fingertips of sunlight edged over the mountain range, blossoming into colorful arrangements of patterns that stood blanketed under the yellow orb as it moved through the heavens.
Time threaded its way gently through the day, transforming light to evening shadows that slowly marched towards the receding sun. Finally giving way to the muted shades of the night as the multitude of the heavens sparkled above and the hours of darkness enveloped the world.
"It was better with Rose," he whispered to Jack.