Title: Just Like the Movies
Characters: Ten, Master the CIKH Universe
Rating: G
Disclaimer: too broke to own
Summary: "I've seen this in the movies," the Doctor shouted
A/N: written for
dw100prompt (#201 train) and
nightrider101who suggested the jacket bit
"I've seen this in the movies," the Doctor shouted, wearing a larger-than-life grin and holding on to the metal bar with a white-knuckled grip. His body flew parallel to the ground, the long coat whipping madly about his legs as his trainers pointed towards the caboose.
"I'm supposed to be grateful for that revelation?" the Master yelled back, his words carried away as soon as they escaped his lips. He braced himself, wedging a leg around the railing. "Grab my hand!"
They fell into a tangled heap, the Doctor still grinning.
"Next time, I'm parking the TARDIS," the Master declared.