Title: One Good Reason
Pairing: Ten/Master CIKH Universe
Rating: pg13
Disclaimer: too broke to own
Summary: "I'm terminating our relationship."
A/N: Yes it's a very twisted Universe I've chosen to create. But this is for
nightrider101 who will be working 16 days in a row, I'm promising one drabble a day...here's the first.
"I'm terminating our relationship." The Master announced, emphasizing his words by dropping a notice of separation on the table.
"You - can't do that. We-we don't even have a relationship," the Doctor stuttered, spewing tea.
The Master folded his arms across his chest and stared down at the Doctor. "That's why I'm terminating it."
"You can't terminate something that doesn't exist."
"You're not seeing the big picture."
"You're hallucinating again."
"I'm quite lucid."
The Doctor looked at him blankly.
"We start a relationship, then terminate it."
"Give me one good reason why I should go along with this?"
"Make-up sex."