Title: The Jacket
Characters: Ten, Master
Rating: G
Disclaimer: too broke to own
Spoilers: Thru S3 TLotTL
Summary: The trouble with roommates and reminders.
A/N: written for
dw100 prompt #193 - insult. Yep, another work induced drabble...
The Master, looking amused, pretended to study his reflection in the mirror, posing and turning to admire himself from different angles as he adjusted the worn leather.
"Take it off," the Doctor snapped, his face contorting into a predatory snarl.
"Don't be such a boor. Leather seems to suit this incarnation." The Master's smirk reflected back to the Doctor, then quickly turned into a petulant pout.
Shrugging off the jacket the Master thrust it into the Doctor's chest as he stormed past. "Keep the bloody thing, smells like flowers."
Clutching it possessively the Doctor caught a familiar scent and sighed.