Aug 01, 2005 10:18
i bought some gorilla glue the other night whilst gathering supplies for my edumacation. i cant wait to glue the HELL out of something. oi!
i am so hungry. i should definately have gotten the unlimited meal plan. i can upgrade if i can find $300. hmph, like that will happen...i would bring my car if that happened!!
apparently there are quite a few people from my middle school living in my residence hall. weird. it would be really annoying to room with one of them, but im sure they all put eachother down for their roomates. which is sad. friends shouldn't be roomates. you should room with a stranger so when you go "home" at night, you can be alone, or pretend to be. maybe it's just me that likes the idea of that though? i think i'm weird.
i think bringing 2 refrigerators is a great idea: at least one for bevarages that should be kept cold. and the other, i'm guessing? seriously though, where the fuck is all this stuff going? microwave, fridge(s), dry food storage????? forget the tv, i dont even want one, ill hook up my computer with that handy dandy cable adapter i found. i really should do the stuff i tlak about, ie BUILD THAT COMPUTER!!!!
my hermit crab can come too, but he will sleep in my bed if he needs to, i love snuggling him and cuddling him, and if i get hungry i can boil some water and eat him right up, mmmmmmmm bahamian crab. too bad i would die in a few minutes.