Mar 04, 2003 14:54
so Sunday i got into another accident. yet again it wasnt my fault. i was rear-ended by this 20yr old guy. my car had virtually no damage except that my muffler came off. his whole front end was screwed up cuz it went under my bumper. so my dad is fixing it today. i should have it back sometime tonight.
today i left school early cuz my neck and back hurt a real lot. so i went to the emergency room to see what was up. i waited about a half hour and then i was examined by this really cool doctor. he was nice and funny. they took a bunch of x-rays and then the doctor showed me them and explained them to me. apparently i have severe muscle spasms from the top of my neck to the base of my spine. and my spine is straighter than it should be and i have to go back again on friday to see whats up with that. i also found out something kinda interesting and freakish (as anthony put it lol). the average person has 5 lumbar vertebrae in there back and i have 6. thats why i have back problems. it makes me more seseptable to spinal injuries. so now im on muscle relaxers, anti-inflamitory pills, and pain relievers and i have to wear a cervical collar. but i refuse to wear it to school lol. well thats been my day thus far.