Winds of Change

Jul 28, 2007 18:00

Mmmmkay here are things....

Folks are moving downsouth to a country town... It sounds and looks really good place. At first I was like " oooo.... " then after awhile I got to thinking things through.. moving vs. not moving...

-new start
-new experiences

Not Moving
-keep friends
-stay with BF
-No heartbreak of leaving
-Not hearing my mother rant at me about stupid shit
-get to exerience life on own (sort of)

oh and Guess what... me and my BF, Chris broke up... after 6 months together.. I finally broke up with him.. why??? Cuase it wasn't working out. I wasn't happy.... but I got someone new. Jordan, Chris' best friend , yah I know..fucked up. How did this come to happen? Weird story....

While I was dating Chris, I often went to talk with Jordan cause well..I needed someone to talk to.. he started to really, really care for me.. and I stared to care for him. Jordan was wit Corrina, a nice chic..but abit. the only reason Jordan never broke up with her is cause he stayed for the ids, he did not want to hurt them and I didn't press him to split with Corrina cause I loved those kids too.

Anyways, Corrina started to figure things out and then uhm... last friday, she shooed me out of the house and then Threw Jordan out.. and CHris... Me and Jordan spent saturay together, working things out and then we both decided to tel Chris.. our true feelings...

Anyways, now, Jordan, Chris and I are stayin at my friend Tanya's place... she rocks awesomeness. She lets us all crash at her place while Jordan and Chris work.. so we could ALL get a ton house for the 3 of us..

Jordan really loves me, he truely does care for m and I am happy to be with him. he truely knows what I need and he is always there for me. I never felt so loved and appreciated. I don't want o leave him,. cause he means so much to me.. an I mean so much to him... BUT!!!!

MY MOTHER WANTS ME 'RETHINK' my life. She thinks I'm being used and that I don't know what I am doing. I feel like she doesn't want to let me go or she doesn't think I am capable of doing things formyself..sur4e, when I was around the house I didn't do anything cuase I disliked doing things for persons who don't appreciate me.....

Here at Tanya's I do the dishes, Laundry, mop and sweep, babysit and cook....

Jordan takes care of me, helps me out and treats me to things.. he only makes sure that I am happy...

And Chris, we are better as friends then as GF and BF.... He takes me whereever I wish to go, buys me things... and is there if I need him.

Tanya houses me, pays me to babysit, gives me advice when I ask for it and she takes me out to the bar once a week..YAY. I'm happy here, I enjoy myself and I actually believe in myself and I want to be all that I can be.... unike at home...

At home, I usually feel so..deppressed, I lack motivation to do anything cause I think "Why should I?" and I am super lazy cause of my small minded attuide.....

So, which sounds better??? Move with family and live a life where I get shit on and yelld at for anything and everything I do.... OR..... stay, be with the man I love, who cares for me... Friends who help out, a place of my own where I do tings and get "thanks" for it.


Anywyas, Gotta feed Tanya's kids.
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