Nov 02, 2008 05:06
Oh man. Halloween should have been cooler, but I still had fun. If I had pictures, I would totally upload them. I went trick-or-treating with Megan, Kayleigh, Katie, Michael and my brother. Megan was a J-rocker, Kayleigh was a zombie, Katie was dressed in decora, Michael was ghetto superman and I was... like... a goth rocker chick. I got my brother to dress up as Birkin. :D After everyone left I stayed at Megans house for the night. We played Fatal frame 3 for like and hour. Then we spent the rest of the night playing DDRmax. We finally went to bed at 11:30 today... the sun was all up and stuff. We got up at 4:00pm and played some more until she went to her concert. I was going to go to, but I was all tired and bitchy... and I wasn't paying for the ticket so I didn't want to be a bitch. I came home, slept and then played some more DDR. I really need to get a pad. D: