Oct 03, 2005 19:08
Friday- night we played Lakeview and we whooped their ass's!! 36-6 I think was the ending score! I was so happy I got to see Patty and Sammi!! I found out my hairdresser couldnt do my hair b/c her little girl got kicked in the face by her horse so danny said she'd do it! ^_^ I was quite shocked to see Jess had came to the game... I was shocked for the meer fact that she cant ever leave the house without adam being up her ass!!! While in the stands Patty freaked out over it and I wanted to go calm her down but I couldnt leave the stands... After we got done with half-time which rocked fucking hard!! I went to see patty and we walked over to get food and I was telling her it was okay and not to freak out over Jess. I asked her what was wrong and she told me there was a difference between being pissed and hurt then she walked off.... I felt like shit after that... I went over and talked to sam and jess was there by heather so I spoke to her.. I wouldnt ever be ignorant to her b/c the past is the past and the feelings are long since dead... I didnt say to much to her then walked back over to find Patty and the gave brooke a hug and told her if she sees patty to tell her somethings for me... Not to long after that brooke yelled up to me in the stands she found her and then patty came up in the stands and everything was better... After the game we took her home and then went to Eat'n'park which was fun I guess... I was so tired and ate then came home and crashed..
Saturday- I woke up around 11:30am then showered and shaved. I went to danielle's around 1pm for her to do my hair. It was so awesome! She did it up in braided twists with a bun of curls and some dangly curls! I loved it! Around 4pm my gram and great aunt came up and took pix. I left for dinner around 4:45. There was 7 of us, Megan & Matt, Patty & Shawn, Savannah & Jarod, and myself. We ate at Hickory Grill! We had a good time and then went to wal-mart afterwards for a few mins. The DJ never showed up for the dance but we still all had an amazing time!! I'd have to say this was the best dance ever b/c I shared it with Patty and all my friends!! *smiles* It honestly felt as if her and I were the only two people there b/c nothing else mattered!! I danced every slow dance with her and I wasnt embarrassed nor did I care about what anyone else thought of it! It felt so good just to be myself and not hiding who I am... It came quite a shock to me when marisa and abbie and bunch of other ppl you wouldnt expect asking patty and I to makeout in front of all of them b/c they've never saw it except for in pornos!! LMAO! I thought I was gonna die of laughter! But we did and everybody cheered and we got in the grind lines and then when abbie and marisa wanted patty and I to dance with them and we did! It was so much fun! I never expected the dance to turn out the way it did. I wish I could relive that night over b/c it went so fast! All that preperation for 3 hrs that were gone in a blink of an eye... *sigh* Being with her just makes me so happy and being able to be myself that night really made the night enjoyable and more memorable... After the dance we went to throton and bowled for an 1hr. It was fun as always...
Sunday- After getting to sleep around 5am we had to wake up at 9:30am b/c of the fun horse show. Julz and Mike picked us up around 10:40am and we were at the horse show all day till around 5:30pm. I had a lot of fun and I got to watch patty show and come in 2nd place in an event ^_^ I also got to ride Coco the pony which was awesome cuz i hadnt ridden in forever! I miss it actually... I spent all day with patty so I was a happy kid *smiles* Then we all chilled at Julz house for a couple hrs b4 we went home.. My weekend couldnt have been any better!
Today- School was alright... Boring and I was so damn tired and just wanted to sleep.. I have to study for gov't test plus need to come up with a speech topic for next tuesday and do my book prj, plus journal entries that I've been slacking on... *screams* I've got to much to do!!!! My heads spinning! LoL! I'm gettin my car tomorrow thought So I am kinda excited about that!