Rewards System

Jan 05, 2010 21:54

Okay, so this is mostly for my reference. It's not complete, but I'm hoping to work out the kinks within a couple months or so. This is a rewards system I've designed to help me meet my goals. Every paycheck, I will budget an amount of Petty Funds. For meeting or exceeding my goals, I put a certain amount of money from the Petty Funds into a Rewards Fund at the end of every week. If I do something I really shouldn't do (on the Negatives list), I subtract that fine. At the end of each month, I am allowed to use the Rewards Fund money to buy something off the Rewards List. I can choose to save the money for something larger and reward myself with something non-monetary instead.

Like I said, it's not complete. I'm sure I will think of more rewards, things for the Master Goal list, etc., and I think I might have made the negative fines too expensive. But I'll work it out, I think.

I know it's complicated or over-the-top or whatever, but I think this might really help me. And if it doesn't work, well, I tried something, so it's worth it.

Positive (per week):
Not smoking- $1
Meeting exercise goals- $1
Sticking to budget- $1
Sticking to meal plan- $1
Keep room neat- $1
Keep car neat- $1
Shower every other day- $1
Shower every day- $1 ($2 total)
Keep record of transactions in check record- $1

(per occurrence)
Pay off a debt ($200+)- $10
Complete something off the Master To-Do List- $5
Exceeding exercise goals- $1 ($2 total)
Budgeting paycheck- $1
Planning meals for two weeks- $1
Complete an assignment a week before it's due- $1
Study for at least an hour- $1
Work extra hours- $1
Pay a bill on time- $1

Negative (per occurrence):
Overdraft- $20
Smoking one cigarette- $20
Binge eating- $20
Missing a school assignment- $20
Miss a day of school- $10 (second occurrence- $20, third- $30)
Late paying a bill- $10
Call off to work- $5
Eating junk food - $5

Professional dye job
Hair straightener
New outfit
iPod car converter
New cell phone
New tattoo
Go see a movie

Day of photography
"Get out of Jail Free" card (do not pay the fine for one negative action)
Homemade spa (bubble bath with candles and music, paint toenails, etc.)
Movie marathon
Dress up and go window shopping with a friend

If at any time the balance of the Rewards Fund drops to zero, I can add twenty dollars by doing one of the following:
- Jogging a mile
- Cleaning the house top-to-bottom (including my car)
- Completing three things off the Master Goals list

Master Goals:
- Organize all paperwork
- Create multipurpose resume of all past activities
- Organize laptop files
- Get files off PC
- Back up important documents from laptop and PC
- Scrapbook DragonCon 2009
- Scrapbook genealogy
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