Who, Huh, where the *@! did the weekend go?!

Feb 01, 2005 10:38

Woah, that went fast. Its monday already. Firday night Cayce and I kidnapped Alicia and drove down 5 hours to Nashville. We got in around 11pm. Cayce did some tax stuff with her parents and I did hw. She picked up the dresses that she needed to get and we left about 14 hours after we got there. Would have liked to stay longer but I thought I was on call sunday (it turns out I was on last night instead). On the way back we realized that it was Tony's birthday on monday so we stoped at the Rocky Mtn Knife Works and looked at shineies. We looked at a couple sets of swords for him, but realized that they were either a) plastic crap, or b) way to frickin expensive, so picked him up some throwing knives and some stars instead. On the way home we called some friends and tried to set up a supprise party for him. I think we didn't tell a couple people or he is paranoid because he knew something was up, but it was still a good party none-the-less.

This is a scattered post because I am running out the door to go to class (and chugging coffee probably doesn't help... when will I learn). Oh well, had a panic attack this morning over student teaching, was very productive at work which took my mind off things. I hope I didn't snap at Cayce too much this morning... aah now I am just babbleing. Damn you coffee... ah well, gota run.

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