Tell us about yourself~
Name: Raychel
Gender: Female
Likes: Anime, manga, video games, summer and winter, the cold, water, apples, singing, graphic making, role playing, writing, poetry, frued, shakespeare
Dislikes: Nose pickers, flamers, dirty people, rank smells, pink, super hot things - chilli, spiders, insects, bullying, smoking, feet
Fears: Spiders and bees/wasps
One thing you like about yourself: My eyes
Strengths: Kind, honest as possible, I never get tired, sensible, kinda smart, I can make people laugh, I am helpful...
Weaknesses: Nervous, pessimistic, underconfident, a little shy too, I get obsessed with fandoms very easily
Looks[pictures optional]:
Now, Let's play a game of Choose to get to know you a little better, shall we?
Optimistic or Pessmistic: Pessimistic
Outgoing or Shy: Shy
Think before you act or do immediatly?: Think
Mean or Super nice: Super nice?
Modest or Fucking Confident?: Modest
Long range or close range combat?: Long
7 or 8?: 8
Now, we have a few questions to ask you.
If you were to hang out with anyone in Souleater for a day who would it be and why?: Patty. She just seems like SO MUCH FUN and it seems impossible to be shy around her - I think she could bring out the charming, outgoing and playful sides of anyone if she tried hard enough. I just think it'd be awesome to hang with her and get a taste of her livelyness and playfulness - and, of course, her anger.
If you were to BE one of the Souleater kids for a day, who would you be and why?: Kidd. I'd love to be Kidd and be able to understand, even for a little while, what goes through his head. I mean - we get glimpses and see how insane he can be, in a totally charming way, but I'd love to just... see.
Who do you think you'll get along with and why?: Probably Tsubaki. I think we might have the same sort of accepting, selfless vibe that would help us get along pretty well.
Who do you think you'll get along least with and why?: ... Liz. She would just get on my nerves a lot of the time because of how she acts and stuff - I just don't think I'd be able to stand her slight wimpyness and her little makeup fits.
One of your friends is in trouble. You are the only one who knows where they are. Do you go tell someone and help them with a group of people, or go and rush to help them yourself?: I'd go and tell someone and then go and help them in a group.
There's a test coming up! Oh know! What are you doing knowing there is a test coming up?[do you study, leave it, what?]: Leave it! I never study for tests - I always do worse when I study, so...
Your choice of weapon: Guns. Resident Evil and Devil May Cry have broken me.
Oh well thats it.
Anything else you want to add: Nope, not really~
Suggestions on how to improve this community ==;;? I think it's good already :)