Tell us about yourself~
Name: Kelly
Gender: Female
Likes: JESUS! ^^ Animation, comics, computers, video games, writing, drawing, stories about relationships(romance and strong friendship both included), cute things, Sci-fi (especially anything with robots), Chinese food, green tea, pink, rock music, graphic art, and mangoes.
Dislikes: People who treat others like garbage, most realistic/historical fiction (I just find it kinda boring personally.), animation being treated like a lesser artform, cirtus, selfish television companies, and short deadlines.
Fears: Spiders, snakes, anything that can inject poison in general. I have a lingering fear of burns from some trauma as a child too. My main thing is simply fear of failure, though; fear of not being able to fulfill my purpose in life. Haunted houses don't really freak me out cause I know nobody's really gonna attack me.
One thing you like about yourself: I'm pretty good at cheering people up if they're willing to let me.
Strengths: I'm a good navigator if I actually walked an area (working soley off a map, not so much. I've gotten lost for hours before.), I'm positive towards others. I can get a crazy amount of work done if I can get myself focused. I'm not very physically strong, but the one thing I do have is a good amount of pain endurance. I'm pretty mind-over-matter in that respect. If it's not gonna actually hunt me, it doesn't matter if there's pain at the moment, you know? I think this skill came from when I was younger and had to get a lot of blood draws.
Weaknesses: My self esteem needs some work, I've got a bit of a lazy streak at times if I'm not interested in what I have to do at the moment, I get overwhelmed easily, and I can be terribly disorganized.
Looks[pictures optional]: Curly brown, shoulder length hair. Brown eyes. Tall. A few extra pounds. Black glasses. I feel practically naked without a hat on outside. I tend to mostly wear guy's clothes, not being a big fan of tight jeans (I'm an aspie, so I'm kinda sensitive to tight/itchy fabrics) or shirts. Plus, guys just tend to get more geeky shirts. About 90% of the time I'm wearing a shirt referencing some cartoon or another.
Now, Let's play a game of Choose to get to know you a little better, shall we?
Optimistic or Pessimistic: Optimistic. Never have I met a situation where keeping moving on didn't get me through it eventually, and I believe that's a good life philosophy.
Outgoing or Shy: Outgoing around people I can relate to. Artists? Geeks? Christians? Fandomers? I'm a chatterbox. "Normal" teenagers? Uh....
Think before you act or do immediately?: Depends. When it comes to creative stuff/taking on a project, I wanna draw/write/whatever RIGHT NOW. When it's a big decision that will affect me for a while, or a decision I don't get to make that often (E.G. I don't get to go to restaurants much) however, I'm indecisive to the point of being slower than most people.
Mean or Super nice: I can have a bit of a mean streak if you cheese me off, but I do my best to treat others nicely.
Modest or Fucking Confident?: Can't you be confident and modest? I believe I can do what I set my mind to, but I also know it's gonna take a lot of work and that I'll have to listen to people who have been down this road before.
Long range or close range combat?: I BATTLE USING POKEMANZ. Wait... wrong fandom. Oooh, tough one. Well, if I draw myself with a weapon, it tends to me medium range at the farthest, so I guess subconsiously I like closer range weapons? Laser guns ARE preeeeetty sweet though.
7 or 8?: HAHAHA I GET THE JOKE. 7 cause it's a holy number. ^^
Now, we have a few questions to ask you.
If you were to hang out with anyone in Souleater for a day who would it be and why?: Maka. I feel like I could learn some motivational skills. She's so self-driven.
If you were to BE one of the Souleater kids for a day, who would you be and why?: One of Kid's guns. I think it'd be kinda neat to see what it was like to be one of those weapons... but from a distance sounds good. ^^;;;; I'm not sure how I feel about eating souls though. Doesn't sound appealing to me. xD;
Who do you think you'll get along with and why?: Hmmm.... maybe Chrona? Cause I like to help people with ANGST issues. xD;
Who do you think you'll get along least with and why?: Blair. Ugh, she's so floozy. I couldn't stand her. D<
One of your friends is in trouble. You are the only one who knows where they are. Do you go tell someone and help them with a group of people, or go and rush to help them yourself?: Right now my brain is saying "Go get helpers, stupid!" but the truth is, I don't know that many people around here and I don't like to put others out, so I'd probbaly go after them unless I had time to find the police.
There's a test coming up! Oh no! What are you doing knowing there is a test coming up?[do you study, leave it, what?]: Study if I'm not already confident that I know the answers, but otherwise I tend to retain stuff well for tests.
Your choice of weapon: ...Okay, I give. Laser guns.
Oh well thats it.
Anything else you want to add: Screw symmetry. I think Kid's hair is awesome. xD;
Suggestions on how to improve this community? I dunno. Maybe have some extra help for giving stamps out? ^^;;;;
How'd you find us o-o?: Through some affiliates list.
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