Name: Katrina.
Age: 15 this month. )X
Gender: Female.
Strengths: Fairly intelligent and resourceful, a good listener, laid-back, calm, loyal, polite, and logical.
Weaknesses: Uh, I'm way too shy, extremely quiet, no social skills, nervous about physical contact, legalistic, nitpicky, easily manipulated by close friends, cynical, sarcastic, stubborn, insecure, anxious, passive, a bit apathetic, weird, overly morbid, and fatalistic.
Interests/Hobbies/Talents: Pixel dolling, reading, linguistics, scientific theory, writing. Also, if it's twisted, I'm probably interested in it.
Likes:Reading; writing; long words; biking; roller-skating; wind; fire; thunderstorms; random facts(particularly morbid ones); Agatha Christie and J.R.R Tolkien; plaid; making anime videos; the outdoors; rating communities; satire; personality profiles; paradoxes; small spaces; candles and loud, deep noises.
Loud, high noises; magic markers; shoes; J.R.R. Tolkien; Robert Heinlein; wet socks; polka-dots; Disney Channel singers; physical contact; frills; prejudice; sickeningly optimistic quotes; open, flat places; burrowing insects; prejudice; and squicky love songs.
Who were you previously stamped as? Chrona. -scuttles off in pink wig-
Now a little Q&A, shall we?
Impulsive or Cautious: Cautious. Like way-too-cautious. When everyone else has leapt, even the look-before types, I will still be standing there debating and overthinking. Trufax.
Fighter/Offense or Support/Defense: Um. Depends. I can be either, depending on my mood and what I need to do. I'm more likely to be hanging back and not the first to attack, but I don't mind getting in and fighting.
Leader or Follower: Eh, I'd prefer to work alone. But, say, in groups I prefer to follow; if it's just two, I prefer to lead sometimes.
Serious or laidback: Laidback.
Protector or Protectee: Protector. I have a younger sister, so I've been protecting her for most of her life.
Personally, what would your weapon of choice be and why?:
Oooh. This is a fun question. I should answer something exotic to be unique, but I'd say sword, really. I love them, from watching The Lord Of The Rings.
You're sitting in a group when they're asked to assign a leader. Do you offer? Do you keep quiet? Do you wait until no one else offers then you volunteer?:
If nobody volunteer's I'll try to get over my shyness and do it. Otherwise, like I said, I'd rather follow in groups.
So your best friend, or really close friend if you don't have a best friend like me, tells you they need help and you're the only one who could do it! Would you?:
What kind of question is that? D: Of course I would! They're my best friend and it's my duty to help them.
If you were told to stay back, would you?:
Stay back from what? And what are the circumstances? Like, some wounded guy trying to defend me tells me to stay back, I'm not gonna. But if, say, a firefighter's telling me to get back from a burning house I am bloody well going to take the nice man's advice and skedaddle.
Name a song and a little bit of the lyrics that best describe you:
Umm. 'You Know Where To Find Me' by Matthew West:
If you ever need me, you know where to find me/I will be waiting where I've always been/if you ever need me, you know where to find me/I will be waiting, where I've always been/right by your side. Because I think the best thing you can do for someone is be there for them and I want to do that for my loved ones. Also that whole song describes how a feel about my friend a lot. Although it's mushier than most of the music I normally listen to. /-ramble- sorry.
The end draws near...
Next theme Suggestions, any?: 'Who would your worst enemy be' type of thing?
Anything else that you'd like to add? Anything at all?: thank you in advance for any votes!
Three applications you've voted on?
1. 2. 3.