A Reaper And His Weapons

Jan 26, 2014 06:27

fandom: Soul Eater
pairing: KidxLiz
characters: Death the Kid, Elizabeth "Liz" Thompson, Patricia "Patty" Thompson, Lord Death, OCs
rating: M or NC-17
summary: Who knew trying to mug the Grim Reaper's son would land them here; as Death the Kid's Weapon Partners. Liz certainly didn't see it coming when her and Patty chose to mug him. Nor did she see how hard and fast she would fall for him. Will Kid ever see her as more than just his Weapon? Or will Liz be stuck pining after someone she can never have? **BASED ON THE ANIME!**
genre: romance/drama/humor
a few minor changes: I'm making Liz and Kid 18 (but Liz is on the older side of 18 and Kid on the younger) and Patty is 16. Also, Kid is as tall as Liz, as in they can see eye-to-eye. And there's a common theme in KidxLiz fics...Liz always acts more experienced and Kid is the little innocent virgin flower. Well, that's not how it's going down here. Well, Liz is still experienced, but I'm also making Kid experienced as well (tho not as experienced as Liz). But Kid didn't get any of his experience from anyone in Death City (people there tend to avoid him since he's Death's son). He had meaningless "hookups" at the different cities he'd visit while on missions for his Father. Cuz, let's be serious, who wouldn't crush on Kid? Also, since Kid isn't human, but a Death God/Grim Reaper (whichever works) his sexual inclinations are a bit...different, I guess. I don't know how to explain, so just read the story! You'll see (Tho, just warning ya, any M-rated things will be in later chapters).
disclaimer: I do not own Soul Eater or any of Soul Eater's characters (mainly Kid, Liz, Patty) mentioned in this fic.

"Shit...shit...shit...shit!" Liz Thompson shouted as her and her younger sister, Patty, ran wildly down a dark street in Long Island, NY. Her boots echoed loudly in the deserted streets and, for once, she wished she wasn't wearing them, as the noise kept their pursuers on their tails.

"Sis-!" Patty panted, clutching the envelope that held a stack of bills.

The two of them had just pawned a necklace they stole from Brooklyn's Mob Boss, and thought they'd gotten far enough away to avoid detection. They had been dead wrong. As soon as they left the pawn shop, holding an envelope full of cash, the shop owner called said Mob Boss and reported on their whereabouts; apparently, the owner was a second cousin or something of the Boss. Which now leads them to their current situation: running away and trying not to get shot.

"Don't you dare drop that envelope, Patty." Liz warned harshly, casting her a quick side-glance. "We need that money if we want to disappear."

Patty dropped her gaze and said nothing, hot on her sister's heels.

"Ah!" Patty squeaked, ducking when gunshots rang from behind them. "Sis!"

Liz swore, braking to a stop. "PATTY!"

"GET 'EM, SIS!" Patty screeched right before transforming into her Weapon Form in a spinning flash of pink light, landing in her sister's upturned palm and solidifying. Liz said nothing; she shut an eye and aimed the Beretta M9 Pistol, shooting out both front tires and smirking when the driver cursed before the car that had been chasing them jerked and crashed into a gated property.

"Yes!" Liz hooted. "Now that's what I call wrangling...EEK!" Liz stumbled back when a bullet skimmed the cement by her feet. "That was way too close for comfort. C'mon, Patty, let's lose these freaks!"

"Go, go, go!" Patty cheered as she transformed back and Liz seized her hand.

They ran and ran until Liz spotted a cluster of warehouses a little bit ahead of them. Liz poured on the speed until she came to a door at the first warehouse she could reach and skidded to a stop in front of it. She jerked the knob, swearing colorfully when it didn't open, and continued her search.

"Other way...OTHER WAY!" Liz screamed, braking to a stop and turning the other way when she spotted a group of men in the distance. This continued: hoards of men, all bearing arms and smirking grins, standing ominously at the ends of every open alleyway.

It was almost as if-

"Yes!" Liz sighed in relief when a doorknob to another warehouse twisted under her hand. She pushed Patty inside first, slamming the door closed behind her; her heart beat thunderously in her chest, blood zinging through her veins with adrenaline. She slumped against the door. "We did it, Patty. We lost 'em."

"Did you, really?" A deeply amused, terrifyingly familiar voice drawled from the static darkness of the warehouse they had snuck into.

Liz froze.

The light turned on, blinding and white, and Liz heard her sister suck in a breath as her eyes adjusted to the sudden brightness. Her mouth dried when she saw a hoard of men, filling up nearly half of the enormous warehouse, equipped with crude weapons, such as crow bars and baseball bats, though some held guns, some held knives, and some held Magic Weapons; types like her and her sister who'd strayed off the divine path Lord Death set up hundreds of years ago.

One man stood before the mass of hungry Mobsters in his trademark, oversized black dress shirt. His pants are tan khakis, sagging on his hips, and clean of any dust and creases. His dark hair is gelled back and the designer glasses, that hid his murderous eyes, are perched on the bridge of his crooked nose casually.

He rose one hand and said, with that same even tone, "Give me the money and we'll forget this ever happened, sweetheart."

"...What?" Liz said, incredulous.

"You heard me." He repeated. "Give it to me and I'll forgive you. I get why you'd wanna leave this city, I completely understand. And people make mistakes when they're desperate." A small, almost real, smile spread across his lips; it feigned sincerity, masking the feral desires that fought within him impossibly well. "So, what's it gonna be, Elizabeth? You don't really think you'll be able to take on all of us, do you?" He chuckled.

Liz swallowed, stepping in front of her sister.

"So? What'd'ya say? Peace?" the Mob Boss asked.

"Fuck you!" she spat. "Don't call me that either, asshole!"

He sighed. "Oh well." His tone then sharpened. "Take 'em out, boys!"

"It's my turn now, Lizzy." Patty said, holding her hand out.

"Patty, no!" Liz yelled. "You need to run!"

"NO! I'M NOT LEAVING WITHOUT YOU!" Patty shouted, keeping her hand outstretched.

"Fine!" Liz shouted back; there's no time to argue this point. In a burst of pink light, she transformed and solidified into her Weapon Form: a Beretta M9 Pistol, identical to her sister's form.

Patty lined up a shot and just before she could follow through, a voice interrupted.

"Ah! Just as I thought." Someone said from above. For a second, absolute silence reigned. The Mob paused in their predatory march, Patty stopped in her tracks, Liz frozen in her hand, and the Mob Boss stared wide-eyed at the guy that hovered above them all on what appears to be a...skateboard? "You two are perfectly symmetrical Weapons! Absolutely beautiful!"

"Hey!" Patty pointed, still holding onto the pistol. "It's the weird skull-guy!"

What the hell is he doing here? Liz thought, his voice resonating in her ears, a smooth, velvety baritone humming in and out like a wordless burlesque tune; it still sent shivers down her spine.

It was the very guy her and Patty failed to mug the night before, the creepy rich dude that looked like he walked right off the set of the Addams Family. He's still decked out entirely in black and white-a black business blazer, a white dress shirt, black trousers and black dress shoes-despite the brutal heat. And his hair-midnight black with three white lines cutting across the left side of his hair and stopping in a completely straight line along his forehead fringe and the back of his head-still gave Liz the shivers. Good shivers or bad shivers, Liz still isn't completely sure. How he even managed to get his hair like that is still a mystery to her. Regardless, it's the oddest get-up she has ever seen, and given the fact that it's the middle of summer in New York, he should be burning up; he wasn't even breaking a sweat!

And like last night, there's still something about him that Liz finds a bit odd. He's pale as hell-that hasn't changed-and had that whole "macabre-goth" thing going on. Not to say there's anything wrong with being pale, it's just that there are different kinds of "pale", and he's the kind of pale that made Liz remember thinking of occult, otherworldly, "gothy" things...i.e. things that terrify her. She wouldn't dare say he's pasty, but his skin's almost alabaster, giving him a distinctly supernatural look.

Plus there is the weird, metal skull-shaped brooch resting at the center of his collar and the twin rings he wears on either middle finger. If that didn't scream "macabre", Liz didn't know what did.

The guy beamed at the two of them, his eyes-that animalistic shade of gold ringed with the brightest yellow, each color separated by a fine line of black-looking back and forth between her and her sister. "Wonderful! You remember me!"

"Kinda hard not to." Liz murmured, her mind bringing all the feelings he stirred within her to the forefront.

"Who the fuck is the kid in the suit?" the Mob Boss demanded. Several of his lackeys shrugged and mumbled their replies.

"Who I am doesn't really matter." He said crisply, adjusting his cuffs. "But I'm afraid I'm going to have to ask you to refrain from harming Elizabeth and Patricia Thompson from this point on."

The Mob Boss growled at this. "Fuck you, alright!? I'll do whatever the fuck I want with these bitches!"

"My, what a salacious mouth you have." He murmured, his golden eyes emptying of any sympathy. He swooped down and landed neatly to the left of the group, his skateboard dissolving into shadows before absorbing back into his hand. "Did you know it's a sin to speak so crudely of others?"


The guy merely smirked, tilting his head to the side as one of the Mobsters turned and immediately shot at him.

"NO!" Liz shouted, transforming out of her Weapon Form in pure terror...terror for the suit-clad stranger.

He didn't even move, just stayed perfectly still as the bullet came closer and closer to him, until suddenly, something shot out of him and stopped the bullet in its tracks. If Liz isn't mistaken, it was his Soul Wavelength, but that's impossible, no one can have a Wavelength that powerful; also, it looked skull-shaped, like the one on his brooch or his rings. Nobody moved for a second before the other Mobsters yelled in outrage and charged the guy, their various weapons raised and ready to use. Liz felt her heart just about stop until the guy moved his body fluidly, seemingly getting into some sort of...pose.

"Death God Arts," he said as the Mobsters got closer, "Stance of Crime."

Liz sucked in a breath and watched with wide eyes, Patty gripping her hand-also watching the scene unravel-as the snarky rich boy they had failed to mug a day ago singlehandedly took out each and every Mobster in a flurry of chops, kicks and hammer blows without so much as breaking a sweat. After about two minutes, a pile of them remained in an-Liz was disturbed to see, Patty was amused to see-orderly stack against the back of the warehouse.

I was right last night, Liz thought as she watched the guy dust off his hands, perched on the top of the pile of bodies, he was toying with us.

"There! How troublesome." He said, brushing his blazer off and straightening it.

Her and Patty exchanged identical looks of disbelief.

"This guy can't be human." Liz stated, looking back up at him. He barely had any marks on him!

"You're right, I'm not." He said from his perch.

Liz swallowed and held her sister closer to her. "Then what exactly are you?"

"I'm a Death God." He answered, jumping off the pile and landing neatly in front of the two of them, kicking up some dust with his landing.

"A...Death God?" Liz whispered as she looked him over, noticing a cut along his cheek, a few on his neck-his beautiful, unmarred, tasty neck she still has an obsession with-and some tiny ones covering either hand; all of them were slightly bleeding.

He nodded. "That's correct. I'm a Grim Reaper."

Liz took a step back, pulling Patty back with her. "Really?" And, before her eyes, the previously opened cuts all closed, only leaving thin strips of blood behind. Liz barely held in a gasp.

"Really." He answered, taking a step forward. "My name is Death the Kid, but you can call me Kid."

"Death the Kid?" Liz asked, relaxing slightly. For some reason, she doesn't feel threatened by him. "Seriously? That's your real name?"

Kid looked annoyed. "Obviously."

Liz narrowed her eyes at him. "Well, it's weird, ok?" Then she realized something she probably should've realized a lot sooner. "What are you even doing here?"

"I thought I made myself perfectly clear last night." Kid said, crossing his arms. "I was sent to find the two of you. The DWMA has been tracking you for awhile now."

"Yeah, you said something like that." Liz remembered. "Just what is the DWMA, anyway? Some police organization?"

Kid let out a chuckle. "No, it's not. It stands for the Death Weapon Meister Academy and its a training facility for humans with the ability to transform into Weapons, like you two, as well as the wielders of those Weapons, called Meisters."

Liz and Patty's eyes went big.

A smirk lifted the corner of Kid's mouth. "I'm taking you've heard of it."

Liz nodded. "I've just never heard of the acronym before." She paused. "Wait, didn't you say your Father was also watching us?" Kid nodded. "Just who is your Father?"

Kid gave her a flat look. "I thought that'd be pretty obvious." At Liz's blank look, he elaborated. "What do you know about the DWMA?"

Liz thought before speaking. "DWMA, located in Death City, Death Valley and...headed by...the Grim Reaper..." Her eyes widened. "Holy SHIT!" Liz shouted when it finally clicked.

Kid winced. "Such language."

Liz ignored him. "You can't be serious. There is no way that can be true."

"What?" Patty asked, tugging on her jacket's sleeve. "Who's his Dad, Sis?"

Liz swallowed as Kid's eyes seemed to pierce her. "Lord Death, the Grim Reaper himself."

Patty looked back at Kid with wide eyes. "No way."

Kid merely shrugged. "It's true."

"What do you want with us, then?" Liz asked, her grip on Patty deathly tight. "What does Lord Death's only son want with two lowly street rats?"

"You two are not lowly street rats." Kid let out a sigh then, rubbing his eyes. "Well, at first, my only purpose was to escort you to Death City. My Father wishes to speak with you."

"Why?" Liz barely got out.

"We can't have Weapons that use their powers for crime run around unchecked." Kid said, titling his head to the side. "And, according to my Father, it's time for you two to be checked."

Liz stopped breathing, but then something occurred to her. "You said, "at first". Now what do you want with us?"

"Well, my Father, of course, told me of your Weapon Forms before I came here." Kid said calmly, but a slightly...manic look tinted his eyes. "But what he didn't tell me was that you two are perfectly identical!"

"So?" Liz asked, not getting it.

Kid rolled his eyes. "You two are symmetrical! Perfectly, perfectly symmetrical." His eyes gleamed as he looked at them. "Absolutely beautiful."

Liz and Patty were both taken aback, though Liz was the only one blushing profusely. After a few moments of collecting herself, Liz looked back at Kid.

"And?" Liz asked again. "What does that have to do with anything?"

Kid huffed, like it should've been obvious. "I want you two to become my Weapons!"

The sisters both froze.

Liz was the first to come back to her senses. "You want us to WHAT?!"

Kid blinked, like he was confused at her tone. "I want you two to become my Weapons." The smile he wore widened some. "I've been searching for perfectly symmetrical Weapons for awhile now, and I think I finally found them!"

Liz spluttered. "We just tried to mug you yesterday!"

"Yes." Kid said, still not seeing the problem.

Liz looked at him hopelessly, along with some sadness. "You don't know us, Kid. We've done some pretty bad things."

"I've seen enough." He told her, without a trace of a lie. "And whatever you did, you did it to survive."

Liz honestly couldn't believe this guy. "We're wanted all over this state, and multiple others. We've got bounties and arrest warrants and hundreds of police reports." She had to get him to see the truth.

"I'll erase all of that." Kid stated.

"You think you're above the law?" Liz looked him in the eye, curious to his response.

He just nodded. "I'm Death. There is no greater justice than me."

Liz continued staring at him. "And if that doesn't work?"

"Death threats." Kid said simply, not breaking his stare. She got the feeling, however, that this one was a joke.

"Ah..." Liz responded. "But there are people after us, you know, maybe hundreds. The Mob," she gestured to behind him, "police, bounty hunters and just plain ole' psychopaths we've pissed off." She continued, watching his face carefully to see if his expression changed. It didn't.

"Then I'll protect you two from them. If they wish to harm either of you, I'll crush them." He said simply; he didn't even need to turn around to show the proof of this.

Liz gave a small laugh. "We'd be your Weapons. Are you saying you'd protect your own guns from being hurt?"

"Of course." Kid looked almost...insulted at what she said. "I would die myself a thousand times over before allowing either one of you to be hurt."

There was a pregnant pause as she examined him, still clutching onto Patty, who was watching the exchange quietly. Finally, after minutes of silence, she spoke.

"You would, wouldn't you?" Liz asked in disbelief. "You'd actually do that for us."

"You should expect no less from me." His golden eyes softened, sending a sudden bolt of heat through Liz. Dammit. "So, will you two consider becoming my Weapons?"

"I don't know..." Liz said, still contemplating.

"But Sis!" Patty said, speaking up for the first time, but a look from Liz told her to keep quiet.

"If it's shelter you're concerned about, it's not a problem!" Kid quickly said. "It will be provided for you. You two will be living in my home with me. All expenses will be covered, as well."

Liz eyed him. "Food, shower...TV? Clothes?" She paused. "...Mani/Pedis?"

Kid smiled, hopeful. "Everything you could ever want or need."

Liz felt herself start to budge. "We haven't got much at the moment, but at least we're free." Liz told him carefully, again watching his expression.

"You would remain free. If at any time you wanted to stop our partnership, you would just need to say the word and I would let you go on your way." Kid stated.

"And we could go back to the cold, dark streets?" Liz asked him, bitterness creeping into her tone. "Not much of a choice."

He shook his head solemnly. "I would never let you live like that again."

"You just said you'd let us be free." There was the beginning of a growl in her voice as she demanded an explanation, squeezing Patty even tighter against her.

"Yes, I did." Kid nodded, before explaining. "First of all, I would set up a monthly allowance to support you and your sister, then arrange for you to be enrolled somewhere you can learn an employable skill, if you don't have one already. Finally, I would move you to a reasonably-sized house, and maybe drop in every month or so, make sure you're comfortable." Kid listed, not looking away from her probing gaze once.

Liz continued to stare. She carried on staring for a long time. She cycled through several possible responses before simply giving up and her mouth fell open.

Kid crossed his arms over his chest, looking composed as ever as he looked her straight in the eye, wondering what was wrong.

"I-It's only been a day since we've met, but you'd do all of that? Even if we want to stop being your Weapons?" She asked, simultaneously touched and bewildered. "W-Why?"

His answer was nothing more than a shrug. "Does this mean you're considering joining me?"

"I'm thinking about it." Liz admitted, pursing her lips.

It was a pretty damn good deal, no doubt about it. From what she's gathered, he was loaded. He most likely lived in one of those fancy mansions that Patty often cooed reminded her of a castle. He's willing to provide food, shelter, entertainment, clothes, freedom-everything, at the price of becoming his Weapons.

"Sis?" Liz looked down at Patty, who she still held in a death-grip; Patty was giving her the puppy-dog eyes. "I like him, let's go."

"It seems she's decided." Kid told her. "But I don't think she'd go and leave you behind."

Liz gave the longest sigh of her life. She glanced him over again, his aristocratic features as calm and composed as the day they tried mugging him, and felt that hot, tingly sensation settle in her lower abdomen once more. Is this always going to happen whenever she looks at him? If this decision was to be made by her hormones, it'd be a resounding yes, it seems. Figures.

She looked down at her sister again. "Patty's usually pretty good at judging people, so I guess I have to say yes as well." Kid excitedly watched as Liz nodded her head, but remained aloof. "It's a deal, Kid. We'll be your Weapons, you take us outta this hellhole. Good?"

"Excellent!" Kid beamed, then his face wiped clean of any emotion. "Now, transform. We're leaving."

Liz glared but Patty gleefully transformed and fell into his hand as if she'd done it a thousand times before.

Kid scowled and looked at Liz, shaking his hand pointedly. "If you are to be my Weapons, you will transform at exactly the same time! That way, you'll land in my hands in an orderly, symmetrical fashion. Do I make myself clear?"

Ok, was it wrong that his authoritative voice was making her feel all hot and tingly? It just made his voice drop an octave, the rich baritone washing over her and making the heated pit in her stomach grow even more. Yeah, it was wrong, but her body didn't really seem to care.

"Fine." Liz sneered, masking her spiraling emotions.

Kid tapped his foot impatiently. "Any day now, Elizabeth!"

God, she usually hated it when people used her full name-despised it, really-but in his voice, that smooth and silky tone, it was almost sinful how good it sounded. She shook herself. What is wrong with her?

"Don't call me that." Liz finally said. "My name is Liz."

"And I'm Patty!" Patty cheerfully added.

Kid pressed his lips together. "Very well then, Liz, any time now would be appropriate. We need to head back to Death City to talk with my Father and explain the new arrangement."

"Hey! What about me?" Patty whined, childishly. "You forgot me!"

Liz watched as Kid repressed an eye roll. "...Yes, hello to you, too, Patty."

"Teehee!" Patty giggled. "Hi Kiddo!"

"LIZ!" Kid barked, impatiently, while Patty merely laughed at his frustration.

Liz let out an annoyed breath before she, too, transformed and landed in his hand, solidifying into a pistol. Probably not a good idea. As soon as she landed, she was aware of every single point his hand-still so cold-touched her Weapon Form. She had to take a minute to just breathe before she could even open her eyes and begin to settle.

You okay, Sis? Patty asked, sending it through their connected Wavelengths.

Liz smiled. I'm fine.

"Well, here we go." Kid said, summoning his skateboard from his hand in a whirl of shadows-seriously, where was that thing stored?-and hopping on it, it rising till it was hovering over the ground. "Everyone ready?"

"Ready spaghetti!" Patty shouted before dissolving into a fit of giggles, her form appearing in the pistol's reflective side.

"Let's get out of here." Liz said, her form also appearing in the pistol's reflective side as she stared up at Kid.

Liz then started to feel that strange flash of heat twirl inside her the longer she stared at him. Damn. Hopefully these weird...feelings will simmer down with time. God, I hope.

soul eater

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