art stuff

Jan 17, 2011 15:34

Well, a friend of mine asked me about my drawings. So I shall post this, and then show her. :D It's stuff from 2009 and 2010, mostly because all my new projects (like, from the last couple of months), except the ones that are marked WIP, are still at school. I'll put those up tomorrow, hopefully.

Also, for those of you who watch me, I'm so sorry about all my inbox spam. *3* I've been busy with LJ here recently, hm?

Roots of Corruption. I don't exactly remember when in 2009 this was, but I remember that this project was about reading an article and making a reaction piece. Also, we had to put the actual newspaper in the piece, and mine is on the top and side. *3*


Motion is Motivation. This one has been up here before, but hey. This one was my cousin and I jumping in front of a McDonalds, and I just painted it in watercolors. (I'm the one on the left.)


Natasha. I want to say this was up here too, but I don't really remember, so yeah. It's just a realistic rendering of my oldest friend. :D


Glance. This one's a picture of a guy in a Prada advertisement, but I just took the glare in his sunglasses and changed it. Personally, this is one of my favorites. 

Lifestyle. This is actually four of my favorite things--a gamecube controller, an iPod touch, the first Artemis Fowl book, and a paintbrush. You probably can't tell, but the original picture looks like this. vvv


My World. This actually started off as just something simple, because I was bored. I decided to see what I could do with entirely amateur products (like Crayola markers and regular pencils) in huge form, and this project came from it. It's based on three songs by the Gorillaz that I'm absolutely obsessed with.


Trademark. A trademark that I came up with for myself. This actually happened because I was bored in church (I always draw, because if I don't, I'll FALL ASLEEP). But when I got home, I was like, "It'd be a pretty cool painting!" and viola.


Fall. Nah, not like the season. It's a picture of angel falling onto a mortal. The picture of the person is actually my best friend. This background looks so much brighter in this picture. >3>


Scream. This is a many pictures-into-one sort of project. It was an assignment. Incorporate three pictures into one. So I had the girl screaming, the guy on the runway, and if you look upside down (or focus really hard), you can see the houses during a flood at the top of her head. Surrealism is fun.


Anemone Leaves. This wasn't really our assignment, but I liked doing this one anyways. It's two pictures, but they're both really, really zoomed in. The first is a picture of a sea anemone (the reddish pink colors), and the second is a picture of real and fake leaves, some of which are blue, and some are green.




Deception. Explaining this...explaining''s a guy that's killed all these people (or a chick. Everyone debates this fact) behind him. The storm is touching the person's hair, and fire is rising from the cigarette to complete storm. So, it's a cycle. (As you can see, I like those. *3*)


Life Sized. Except, not really. The dude is the size of a tree. I'd been drawing people like this for a while (I call them "broken dolls", my friend calls them "stitch-mouths"), and I just really wanted to do this. It's a "fire tree" that he's sitting next to, and it's a bit like he's chained down, isn't it? I like this one a lot.


Capturing the Ruins. This was initially just a picture from a National Geographic. Then I divvied it up into triangles (to mimic that picture with the gamecube thing, but with different shapes). Only, the stuff in triangles was what was colored, and everything else was done in inkwash.


Mushrooms. I mean, really, there's no other explanation for that. Also, this is the only still life I've finished that I actually like.


Gunfire. Remember this one, anyone lurking? It was half-finished last time, though. Basically, just a bunch of guns on strings, some red splotches that look like blood, and hilts of cigarettes. I don't have any words for this.

Bridge At Night. I mean, it's a bridge. At night. Not really a still life, but I really like this one.


Untitled WIP! Blegh, I absolutely hate working on this project. I mean, it looks good (it's a bunch of silverware), but it's SO TEDIOUS.


Untitled WIP! Not finished yet, but again, a rarity! A STILL LIFE I LIKE! It's my favorite jacket, drawn in charcoal.


Untitled. I'm pretty much finished with this one, but I have no idea what to do to call it 'done'. I have yet to go back to school, so until tomorrow, I'll have no feedback on it. *3*


Untitled. UGH, THIS PICTURE MAKES IT LOOK SO YELLOW IN THE BACKGROUND. But this is a piece as part of my concentration (a series, if you will). This one above this one is part of that same concentration, which is all about freedom, innocence/loss of innocence, and darkness. Painting his clothes was fun.


Untitled. Also, it's the last one! Please don't ask me what this is, because I don't really know either. All I know is that I made it kind of by accident, but I really like it. I might use it as something in my concentration later on down the line.

So there you have it, dear! This is my 'good' stuff. XD

art, random

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