Feb 12, 2004 21:21
wow, i am so tired right now its not even funny,i cant remember the last time i got more than 6 hours of sleep. for like the past two weeks ive been waking up at 5:30 and not going to sleep until wicked late and its just killing me. Not to mention that school just sucks every bit of energy and life force out of me. The only things i look forward to in school are my friends and music. seriously without those i dont know what the hell i'd do. im feeling a little pissed off right now cuz feb vacation starts in like a day but im not gonna be home that much the entire vacation. On top of that my parents tell me and my bro like 2 days ago that the family is going away for the weekend. like thanks for letting us know in advance. i hate it when they do that. i was hoping to hang out with a special someone on saturday and what not but now thats not gonnna happen and im wicked frustrated. yeah so were coming back sunday evening and then i have monday free BUT on tuesday i start this course out in malden or sommerville, i cant remember which one. the class is so i can get a teaching certification for my summer job as a lifeguard/swim instructor. i need to get it, but it just sucks that its like from 8-3 tuesday-friday and that its like a 45 minute drive each way by myself. whatever, im still gonna have a good time this vacation whatever it takes!! so i'll stop bitching now. on a more positive side THANK YOU to everyone who has listened to our(salieri) music/promoted us or supported us in any way. your help is much appreciated. alright im gonna stop typing now cuz i could go on forever but i need to sleep.
- positive vibes