[o19] MORNIN' SOUL; video/action for violet

Apr 01, 2011 14:24

[WHY HELLO JOHTO have the angriest/tired-est/most pissed off Weapon in your regions :|a Why?
LOL JOHN. ALARM CLOCKS DON'T GO ON THE CEILING.They're supposed to be on the table so he can punch them when he wakes up ( Read more... )

what did you doooo, *video, april fool's!!!, this is not cool, jack shit is being understood, *action, why did he do that what was the point, shit's goin down, headache to end all headaches, oh man he is so dead, so uncool, worst morning ever

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[video] THANKS FOR THE LINK AND YES, HOW WERE WE NOT FRIENDS ON PLURK YET? usedeverything April 1 2011, 21:34:02 UTC

"Alarm clock to the ceiling"?


[video] I... I AM NOT SURE. ; 3; Y-YOU STILL LOVE ME RIGHT? soulcool April 1 2011, 21:36:18 UTC

[And to simply answer your question, Souji, Soul will pan the camera to the smashed clock on the ceiling.]

To the ceiling.
It went off at three in the goddamn morning.


[video] NO GET OUT I HATE YOU >8C!!! usedeverything April 1 2011, 21:41:17 UTC
[...Souji just stares in amazement...]

Got any clue who might have done it? [well...that April Fools joke is pretty bad...Right now, Souji just has his hair like this....And he seems totally cool having his hair like that]


[video] /SOBS FOREVER soulcool April 1 2011, 21:45:31 UTC
Not yet.

But when I find out who did, they're so in for it.
Way uncool.

[don't worry about it -- Soul puts his hair up like that a lot too. :Ia way cool with him.]


[video] THOUGH I MIGHT LOVE YOU AGAIN IF YOU GIVE ME YOUR KIDNEY usedeverything April 1 2011, 21:52:08 UTC
Yeah, kind of a bad April Fools joke.

Maybe your roommates? [they should totally wear their hair together like this one day]


[video] ... BUT I NEED MY KIDNEY. It helps me live. 8( soulcool April 1 2011, 21:55:09 UTC
Pretty cruel, too. [yaaaaaaawn.]

I'unno. Maka's too serious for this kinda stuff, Crona's too... I dunno, innocent, and Eridan's scared of me.

I don't think they would.

[~one day~. They also need to play hoops together and be ~BROS~.]


[video] oh.../oh/....so you don't really love me, huh? usedeverything April 1 2011, 21:57:51 UTC
Got any friends with your key that can enter your room?

[oh God, this totally needs to happen. Souji is backtracking so he can pick up his friends so he can drop by in Violet quickly for a game of BASKETBALL]


[video] I do, but I love living too... I could probably give you Blake's kidney? soulcool April 1 2011, 22:00:38 UTC
... Not that I can think of. Damn -- this is kinda creepy.

[YESSSSSS. Hopefully on the 90+ days :|a The only time the weather is actually comfortable for mister I-lived-in-a-desert.]


[video] ...but I want /your/ kidney )': usedeverything April 1 2011, 22:23:50 UTC
Yeah, that is. [Uh, still thinking on who it might be] Maybe your Pokemon?

[Hell yeah! Besides, Souji isn't travelling to Violet City right now, he's still in Goldenrod because WHO WOULD TRAVEL IN THIS WEATHER FFFFFFFF]


[video] but I need it )'8 soulcool April 1 2011, 22:26:10 UTC
My Pokemon?

... Maybe. I can see Maka pulling it -- my Alakazam, I mean.
Maybe Garnet, too...

[ONLY THE INSANE and Washingtonians. :|a]


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