[o19] MORNIN' SOUL; video/action for violet

Apr 01, 2011 14:24

[WHY HELLO JOHTO have the angriest/tired-est/most pissed off Weapon in your regions :|a Why?
LOL JOHN. ALARM CLOCKS DON'T GO ON THE CEILING.They're supposed to be on the table so he can punch them when he wakes up ( Read more... )

what did you doooo, *video, april fool's!!!, this is not cool, jack shit is being understood, *action, why did he do that what was the point, shit's goin down, headache to end all headaches, oh man he is so dead, so uncool, worst morning ever

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Text; usedwindything April 1 2011, 21:33:25 UTC
[This response comes from Rose's pokégear, with Rose's color and quirk. Little do you know, Soul, that this is not Rose.]

Someone taped your alarm clock to the ceiling?
Wow, that's quite an accomplishment. But obviously it can only be one of your roommates, correct?
How else would they have been able to pull it off? Unless you don't lock your doors at night.


HORRIBLE xD soulcool April 1 2011, 21:35:05 UTC
nah. none of them would have done it.
maka's too serious for this kinda shit, crona would've thought of something simpler, and eridan's piss scared of me.


Text; I BELIVE YOU MEAN AMAZING, SIR. usedwindything April 1 2011, 21:39:50 UTC
Then it seems you have quite the mystery on your hands.
How on earth would the perpetrator have gotten into your room?
Seems as though you have more to concern yourself with than the identity of this clever prankster.


Text; HORRIBLE!!! soulcool April 1 2011, 21:43:48 UTC
dude, rose, there are ways to do this kind of thing. one of my best friends was an assassin. i'm kind of used to this sort of thing.

all i know is if they don't fess up by the end of the day, they're getting it even harder when i find out who did it.


Text; AMAZING!!!!!!!! usedwindything April 1 2011, 21:51:06 UTC
You'll have to forgive me. It's still early and I am unable to think clearly it seems.

And would you really "give it to" this person over something like this?
It is April Fool's Day, after all. This sort of thing is to be expected I believe.
Even if it is incredibly silly and childish.

[He's a little worried now, Soul.]


Text; soulcool April 1 2011, 21:53:30 UTC
hey, it's either i beat them up, or i pull a prank back, dude.


Text; usedwindything April 1 2011, 22:31:30 UTC
Oh? What sort of prank would you pull, if I might inquire?
Whatever it is, I'm sure it would be better than beating up the culprit.
What does violence solve?


Text; soulcool April 1 2011, 22:34:39 UTC
probably something nasty. i've got ink here that i'm planning on sending to bro, but i could always save it for them.
or i could loosen some of their floorboards or something.

and trust me rose, it solves more than you know.


Text; usedwindything April 1 2011, 22:37:55 UTC
Ink? Consider my interest piqued.
Whatever would you do with that?
And what were you going to do to Bro with it?


Text; soulcool April 1 2011, 22:39:33 UTC
rose, you were the one who gave me the idea. :\
i was gonna drop a balloon full of it on him, remember??


Text; OH SHIT.................... usedwindything April 1 2011, 22:43:14 UTC
Oh! You're right! I did, didn't I?
I apologize.
Remember how I said earlier that I cannot think clearly at this early hour? This is another prime example.
I should probably go to sleep.


Text; he's getting suspicious. xD They're both slippiiiiing soulcool April 1 2011, 22:44:58 UTC
[he stares at the message for a moment or two, before replying.]

rose, maybe i should come ask you for ways to get to sleep. you've been having trouble too, right?? you'd know, wouldn't you?


Text; they suck at this game. usedwindything April 1 2011, 22:51:44 UTC
[He's going to check with Rose this time So he doesn't slip up again. So this response is a little slow.]

Well aside from the radio lullabies which I have already suggested, I unfortunately do not have many more ideas.
Perhaps you could try reading?


Text; he is trying to find away to go meet with 'rose', lmao soulcool April 1 2011, 22:53:46 UTC

got any books i can borrow?


Text; fffffuuuuuuuuuuu--- usedwindything April 1 2011, 22:56:52 UTC
Do you really need to ask?
Of course I do.
And if none of mine are to your fancy, there's always the library.


Text; :)c soulcool April 1 2011, 22:57:58 UTC
mind if i come grab some then?


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