sixteenth soul ;; audio

Oct 24, 2011 04:20

I've read the notes I've left, and I remember - being here, if not the details of the place and those I'd met. It completely dismisses the original theory I had about the nature of Adstringendum, but I suppose I'll just have to come up with another ( Read more... )

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[audio; private] greatcuppajoe October 24 2011, 16:16:42 UTC
I'm lookin' to trade for a knife; somethin' with a sturdy blade, doesn't hafta be too long.

There a size requirement on that heart you're lookin' for? I kill rabbits pretty often, but I'm willin' to go hunt something bigger if you can make the trade.


[audio; private] soulcontracts October 24 2011, 18:51:33 UTC
I have a knife that would suit your needs. Rabbits are too small, however - I could snare them myself should the need arise.


[audio; private] greatcuppajoe October 24 2011, 19:00:18 UTC
All right. How big are you lookin' for, and are we talkin' something from a mammal or would one a those big lizards work just as well?


[audio; private] soulcontracts October 24 2011, 19:03:03 UTC
Find something mammalian out in the wastes. I don't go out there. [Mostly because he would be eaten.] If you absolutely can't, two lizard hearts would be less than ideal, but sufficient.


[audio; private] greatcuppajoe October 24 2011, 19:11:02 UTC
Shouldn't be a problem.

[Pausing thoughtfully.] So tell me, what is it you're using hearts for?


[audio; private] soulcontracts October 24 2011, 20:38:23 UTC
[His tone is remarkably flat.]



[audio; private] greatcuppajoe October 24 2011, 20:56:10 UTC
Candied, huh? [Chuckling softly.]

Now, I haven't got anything sharp enough ta get a clean cut right now. How much margin ya want on the major vessels? [Maybe he can take down one of those winged pigs; that'd be a double bonus. A good knife and meat to hang for the winter....]


[audio; private] soulcontracts October 24 2011, 21:01:39 UTC
You're bargaining with me.

[It's flat, a statement of fact, before he pushes the coordinates through: x,y.]

Here. Come get the knife, then.


[audio; private] greatcuppajoe October 24 2011, 21:07:28 UTC
[Laughing outright.]

Not real patient, are ya? I'll be there shortly.

[And not on foot. He doesn't like this fog, but it does do one thing very well: it lets him fly almost as invisibly as he could in Shibuya. He heads for the back door, stopping briefly to call out a 'Heading out to get dinner,' and spreads his wings as soon as he's far enough away from the building to be lost in the fog.

It won't be long before he's landing a safe distance from those coordinates, letting his wings vanish again, and strolling over to see what this heart-hunter looks like.]


[audio; private] soulcontracts October 24 2011, 21:11:11 UTC
[Johannes is waiting on Sanae when he arrives. He's tall, blonde, and a little too-thin - his pallor is healthy enough, but he has the lean frame of someone who's been sick for just a little too long.

He carries a knife in his hand, handle up; the blade is of a medium size, but it's sharp, well-maintained.]

Patience isn't something I've ever really put much stock in.


[audio; private] greatcuppajoe October 24 2011, 21:17:36 UTC
It's got its uses. [He holds a hand out for the knife; it looks like a solid trade. Immensely more useful than claws, that's for sure.] Should have the heart to ya by tonight. Any conditions other than 'undamaged'?

[He casts a thoughtful glance over Cabal. He isn't getting any whiff of actual malice; with all the strange types here, he can't be as sure as he usually would be that an animal heart is impossible to cause trouble with, but he really can't shake his curiosity. He'll deal with it if the trade causes trouble.],/small>


[offline] soulcontracts October 24 2011, 21:20:51 UTC
If you can recover the brain, too, I'd appreciate it. I'm not sure how difficult it might be for you to kill something without damaging either, though, and right now, I'd much prefer the heart.

[He's rolling his sleeves up to his elbows now, considering Hanekoma. He isn't blind to the thoughtful glance, however.]

Your name?


[offline] greatcuppajoe October 24 2011, 21:32:42 UTC
Sanae Hanekoma. I'll see what I can do.

[Hmm, that does make it trickier. And more interesting; brain and heart, those sound like ingredients for something of the old Shakespearean style of spell.]


[offline] soulcontracts October 24 2011, 21:37:05 UTC
[Johannes fixes him with a tight-lipped smile, holding the knife out.]

It's much appreciated, Herr Hanekoma.


[offline] greatcuppajoe October 24 2011, 21:39:36 UTC
[Hanekoma takes it.]

My pleasure, Doctor Frankenstein.

[Enjoy your new nickname? He grins, raising a hand in a wave as he turns to head off into the fog.]


[offline] soulcontracts October 24 2011, 22:00:23 UTC
[Johannes seems a little rubbed the wrong way by the nickname, but -- hey, he's been called worse, and been chased with the pitchforks and torches, too.

He rolls his eyes skyward, retreating into the house.]


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