[There is only so much circus music that a man can take before he turns to alcohol. On the rare, previous occasions that Cabal has drank to excess, he has usually been alone, tucked securely in his own study with no audience
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It would make sense. They always did like you better than me.
[He's just going to chug some water now to keep himself from talking further. He recognizes the sullen tone in his voice and wishes he were more sober. It'd be easier to fix that way.]
Are you working right now?
[He is also slurring.]
Nothing to steal from me here, Horst, you can be on your merry little way. [But he's taking that blanket for himself, thanks.]
[He frowns and gets him some water.]
Why are you drunk?
[He is most certainly drunk.]
I have better control of my own facilities than that, Horst.
I don't see what bottle shape has to do with anything.
[It was the only one he could find.]
Because it was a personal stash for bad days. It was bloody strong, and you may go blind and it would serve you right.
Now why have you been drinking? Are we celebrating?
[But he lifts his hand, conducting a little sloppily in time with the folk tune playing behind him now.]
I read from my book said the boy as he stood - and twas well he stood --
Do you remember where it goes from there?
It's on the tip of my tongue, I think I remember...sing it again--
Too late. The moment's gone. "Horst." Did they name you after someone?
[He's just going to chug some water now to keep himself from talking further. He recognizes the sullen tone in his voice and wishes he were more sober. It'd be easier to fix that way.]
[He's only spilling the water a little.]
You got the better end of that deal.
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