character permissions

Jan 05, 2010 22:07


Backtagging: I backtag by default. If you want to stop backtagging, just say so!
Threadhopping: If it isn't marked 'private' or 'closed,' I say go for it.
Fourthwalling: Not so much. Fourth-wall events are an obvious exception.
Offensive subjects: Literally anything is okay. I'm serious.

Hugging this character: Absolutely! If she doesn't know you well, expect a little alarm, but she's really quite huggable. If you're a child, she'll hug you forever. She loves kids.
Kissing this character: Sure! A kiss on the cheek/hand/forehead, if you know her really well, might slip by, but try anything more and you'll be swiftly rejected. Try it twice and you'll be violently rejected. She's a happily married woman.
Flirting with this character: Okay! Strangers and vague acquaintances will receive polite smiles and brush-offs; closer friends can get away with it, but she won't flirt back. See 'happily married.'
Fighting with this character: Why not? She's not apt to just start brawling, but if you put her at the wrong end of your weapon, she'll fight back.
Injuring this character: No problem! Anything that's going to put her on more than a day of bedrest, though, should be run by me first. Anything less than that, go wild.
Killing this character: I'm open to it, so long as you run it by me first.
Using telepathy/mind reading abilities on this character: Again, just run it by me! You'll probably get the okay, but you wanna know what they'll be reading/hearing, right?

Warnings: None especially; Miyako's a pretty chill girl. She is married, though, so watch your step, boys!

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