[Accidental Written]
[Luceti, today, the page of the journal has doodles on them. The first and most mundan is of some cute but slightly unsettling
rabbits. There are some various styles and they are drawn from a few angles. Actually, perhaps these are more like designs than they are doodles. There are others, of course: a jack-in-the-box, a doll... and then-
There is a
Thaumtrope, curiously depicting a grave on one end and a hand rising on the other to give the illusion of a zombie coming out of the grave. ...Or perhaps a vampire, either or.
And then there's one or two sincerely out of era things. One of them is what might be vaguely recognizable as a
cell phone-like object and the other if, of all things, a steampunk/Victorian'd version of a Nintendo DS. Or well, something similar to a DS. It's enough to be recognizable but at closer inspection it's different. Albeit instead of the Nintendo symbol on it there is the
Funtom emblem on it.
In fact, all the items on the page have said emblem on it. What do you do, Luceti?]