Freddie Aguilar, author and singer of the song
"Anak" (which also garnered worldwide fame and translated into several languages), is today in a position that could wreck his credibility in the light of the arrest of the iron-packing-gangsta Jason Ivler, whose mother also happens to be the sister of the famed folk singer.
It is also certainly a revelation of
Oedipic proportions.
In what I (and cartoonist Aranda of the Philippine Star) consider a total irony, the song tells the story of a son's rebellion (and eventual fall), and sorrow heaped upon his mother until said son repents as he suffers, and so now we have a real-life reenactment that is enough to garner a place in a future episode of "World's Deadliest Arrests".
Sir, come clean now because though I respect filial love, I prefer greater fealty to the law.
How could I respect you if you should've stopped him in the first place from turning himself into an imitation of Scarface? And furthermore, how could I respect your prose now if you can't follow what you preach?
Kung ako sa iyo, ipapaaresto ko na ang pamangkin mo kesa na lumaki pa ang problema para sa lahat (If I were you, I'll have your nephew arrested than to let the problem snowball to everyone else's detriment). YOU ADULTS ARE SUPPOSED TO BE PROPER ROLE MODELS, that's why the Soeur System was created!
To Ivler: You ain't no hero.
PRESIDENTIABLES: Currently favoring Richard Gordon (more action, less talk) and Noynoy Aquino (try to reverse the current popular distrust towards government).
And Villar is getting his ass fried for allegedly trying to "gerrymander" the C-5 road extension project.