Main Entry: ma·gus
Pronunciation: \ˈmā-gəs\
Function: noun
Inflected Form(s): plural ma·gi \ˈmā-ˌjī, ˈma-\
Etymology: Latin, from Greek magos - more at magic
Date: 1555
1 a: a member of a hereditary priestly class among the ancient Medes and Persians boften capitalized : one of the traditionally three wise men from the East paying homage to the infant Jesus
2: magician, sorcerer
Negima!? (Episode 11, "'Oh, so a Baron is a Variety of Rose. I Thought It Was a Kind of Potato' by Haruna") on Hero TV with Jamibu for the first time in person (and a bit of nitpicking), after we unsuccessfully tried to install Starcraft on his new Vista-running laptop. The most hilarious bit? The voice actors mispronounced the word magi: instead of "may-gi" (as in the Magi of NERV's supercomputers in Eva) or (according to the
Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary) \ˈmā-ˌjī, they said
WTF, instant noodles! ROFLMAO! xD
Seriously, to any scriptwriter: watch out for pronunciation traps, no matter what language you're using.
Oi, tol, next time! Mas nakakatawa rin talaga yung Cromartie na Tagalog kaysa sa English! ;D