...also known as the television adaptation of the manga
Hana Kimi, the series that was so popular even Japan and South Korea had to buy broadcasting rights for it. XD Will be coming into Big Two in Tagalog on March 24 6:00pm. Locally will be the most likely teen hit since Goong/Princess Hours.
Nica is in there as a minor voice role. :)
Addendum: expect a total collision course as Big Two's version of HK will go at nearly the same time as Lucky Seven has acquired the rights to the
Japanese version. This is going to be very unprecedented. Imagine two TV versions of the same manga, possibly on the same hour. XD
Best quote from
Shogun Assassin (1980):
Master of Death: "Your... tech... nique... ugh, is.... mag-ni-ficent... When cut across the neck... A sound like wailing winter winds is heard... (they say...) I'd always hoped to cut someone like that someday... To hear that sound... But to have it happen to my own neck is... ridiculous... argh..."
*man gasps for air before dropping dead*