I am the one who . . .
- LOVES bright colors -- they energize me and make me happy
- wants a home that reflects my personality
- wants to display more of my art in my home
- loves cozy little nooks to curl up in
- loves bringing in warm sunshin and breezes through open windows and doors
- likes large, open spaces, too -- where I can dance or create or entertain or relax
- loves the great outdoors
- wants to put my creative talents to use more in my home without being afraid of not being able to sell the house because of my own, quirky color schemes
- needs to get outdoors more, especially during this time of the year when flowers are bursting forth
- loves window seats
What do you have to give me?
I give you a reminder that all you have within you to express within your world. You can bring these colors into your home, but you can also bring them to the world through your cheerful attitude and your unique personality.
What do you want from me?
Express yourself! Don't let anything hold you back. Spring bulbs force their way through the crusty, winter soil. They are not afraid to show their colors when everything else in nature is still quite drab. Show your colors, both inside your house and outside yourself. Make your home a reflection of your personality and you'll be more energized to show that personality and give the world what it needs from you.
How will I remember?
Everytime you see bright colors, you naturally pause and take it in. The colors capture your attention and make you stop and look. Now, when you stop and look, remind yourself to bring some of those bright colors of nature into your home, into your art, and into your heart where they can be brought to colors through your kindness and joy.
Card name: Brights Inside and Out
Core message: Express myself. Show my personality at home, but let it shine through my kindness and joy.
Suit: Committee