Okaaaay, so people probably have noticed by now but both
IRISBLADE.ORG have been opened and all sites have been moved accordingly. I've had a major layout block this weekend, so it took a bit longer than expected. irisblade.org has a temporary layout until the upcoming layout marathon is ready to launch...and I really don't like it. It annoys me to have everything on one page like that, but it'll have to do for now.
VENUS SEAL - has a new layout since I gave away the manga fanlisting. I wanted to add some more avatars or something, but I think I'm going to wait to update the content to see if Sheena appears in the next OVA.
MIND BREAK - got revamped awhile ago, I just never posted about it. Layout, codes and even some information... at least this doesn't look like crap anymore. 8D;
I have closed and adopted out numerous fanlistings, but the ones that still remain are
telekinesis ,
Digimon Tamers,
white tigers and
ALMATERIA. Of course I still have all the rest of my Tales fanlistings and a few others that also have shrines. Otherwise, I'm pretty much done with fanlistings...I hope anyway.
Other than that, I've really only gone and changed links from fire-dancer.net to irisblade.org or tethealla.net. I have a bunch of layouts that need to be uploaded as well as some new content for some things...and they will be coming in the next few days as I am tired and have other things I want to do tonight. More immediate things to be happening:
• Polaris, Femme Fatale and Swallow Dance layouts & content additions
• Heavenbound layout & content revision
• Spirit Walk revamp
• Fly Away! cleaning out & additions
• Another Side additions
Annnd other than that, I have some longer term goals:
• Amrita revamp (I promise :x)
• Glacialis revamp (adding in Renamon to the shrine and stuff)
• Opening of Alterna
I'm also working on my Death Note projects as a summer goal as well, but we'll see what happens. I guess that's all for now.
Oh, to all affiliates and whatever else for the domain and/or any shrines: fire-dancer.net still works...and it will until next June, so there is no rush to change my links. I have moved signs for most things (except for a few fanlistings), so your links won't be broken, but I'd appreciate it if you could update them ASAP.