Apr 22, 2008 14:53
Valium makes him loopy - loopier, she
corrected They correct me allow me
to maintain and thus a package will
arrive from my mother this week This
nervous system I've been both haunted
and blessed with Yes it is beneficial at
times Its unorthodox frenzy Yet it is just
as often in peril out of whack Returning
from New York I consumed two Klonopins one
vodka drink and a half bottle of Fish
Eye chardonnay I didn't
even desire these drinks it's simply a
matter and a method of system
management At a bar in the East Village last
week I read in the bathroom
stall that insanity is doing the
same thing over and over and
expecting a different result I
suppose that is quite true Repetition is
to yield a set result and when it
does not, well, either the task in itself does
not make sense, or you don't