Apr 09, 2010 00:44

I feel it's terribly wrong to have had a rly good awesome day, when somewhere else, someone is at her lowest ever, waiting for her boyfriend to wake up after three days.

Dear Muhaimin,

I don't know you well at all. But I do know you exist, and I know Asmah by face too. Please find the strength in you to come back and wake up. I pray that you will recover soon enough. God is with you, please don't give up.

Dear Asmah,

I cannot imagine what you're going through right now. If any of my friends are in an accident, I'd lose myself, let alone if he's my Significant Other. Please be strong, Insya Allah Muhaimin will wake up, and I'm sure you'd be by his side when he does.

My stomach churns now whenever I think of my friends on bikes. Yes you can be the most careful rider on the road, but the driver next to you may be drunk, or dozed off for two seconds, or was distracted by his kids for that split second. Please be careful.

Dear God, please protect all of us. Amin.

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