Once again, the attention to detail making this story so full. I particularly liked the Alma/Ennis back story and the mysterious husband that left her for another man and the 2 grown daughters.
Thanks for commenting, Roux. :) I hadn't planned on revealing any more info on the mysterious ex-husband but people seem to like that part so who knows. (Gosh, what on earth could that back story be...?)
BTW, I'm only one time zone away from you this week as I'm stranded in Colorado since my return flight to Heathrow was canceled.
It's tempting! But husband back home would be a bit pissed if it turned out I was having too good a time on this extended vacation - thanks to the volcano this 10 day trip has turned into 3 weeks.
I forgot-I am pretty content with the back story on Alma's ex as it is-having more is low on my list on story wants. It was just the perfect little smackerell.
BTW, I'm only one time zone away from you this week as I'm stranded in Colorado since my return flight to Heathrow was canceled.
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