[ooc: character info]

Aug 09, 2008 22:12

[Character Name] Alphonse Elric
[Canon] Fullmetal Alchemist

[Age] 17, physically 13
[Gender] Malke
[Sexual Orientation] Depends more on the person than the sex.

[Eye Color] Hazel
[Hair Color] Dark blond
[Height] aprox. 5'1"
[Other] not really.
[Clothing] Black clothes, a red cloak, and white gloves.

[Background] The story of Alphonse is quite a long one, but also contains a certain key character. For, without this key character, it is certain that much of what happened in Al's life would not have occurred. We start in a small village called Risembool where two young boys live with their mother. The boys are Edward and Alphonse Elric, and their mother is Trisha. Little do they know, the boys' mother is ill, and has been for some time. Eventually, she passes away, leaving the boys distraught and orphaned. It is at this time that the eldest brother, Edward, makes a decision that will affect their entire lives. Sitting before their mother's grave, Ed turns to Al and says softly, "Let's bring mother back."

Now, it is important to know that in Ed and Al's world a series of laws dictate nature. The most prevalent of these is called the Law of Equivalent Exchange. You see, in Ed and Al's world, there are a select few that can perform an astonishing feat called "alchemy." It is not the alchemy that we think of, but the ability to change one item to another. These seemingly magical exchanges must be conducted in a certain manner, however. This is the Law of Equivalent Exchange. An alchemist cannot make something out of nothing, nor can change anything into whatever he wants. Materials must have the same mass and elements to be exchanged. Because of this law, it was impossible for Ed and Al to revive their mother. In their world, the only exchange equivalent for one human soul is another. At the time they make their decision, however, Ed and Al do not know this. It is without this knowledge and a small amount of alchemic talent (inherited from their estranged father), Ed and Al take on a teacher, becoming apprentices for a very talented alchemist. After a year of training, the brothers return to their home, preparing for their attempt at reviving their mother.

But something goes wrong. The attempt fails horribly. Through the transmutation (or, the alchemic exchange), Edward loses a leg and Alphonse loses his entire body. The result turns out to be nothing more than a mass of pulsating organs without a soul. Distraught, Ed reaches for the only person he has left: Al. When he cannot find him, Edward sacrifices his right arm to restore Al. A right arm is not enough to restore a full human body, of course, so Edward affixes Al's soul to a suit of armor. It is this suit of armor that allows Al to remain in the world for four years. Once the brothers escape the terror of their former home, and find help, they rest and recuperate. Without an arm and a leg, Edward feels hopeless. Especially since he is now determined to return Al to his original state. Desperate, Edward demands that he be given auto-mail. In their world, auto-mail are types of prosthetic limbs that function much like normal human limbs yet are made entirely of metal. It is a painful process to adhere them to human and most adults end up screaming in pain. Ed endures the process without so much as a whimper, believing that what Al has had to suffer has been much worse.

After being given the automail, Ed and Al return to their home. They burn down the remnants and begin a new journey: a journey to find a way back to their original forms. It is this journey that leads Ed and Al to the capital city of their country, Central City. Edward applies to the military, and soon becomes the youngest Nationally Certified Alchemist in history. This means that should the army be called to war, Ed would have to use his alchemy to hurt the enemy, a concept contradictory to the ideas of alchemy, which are to use the talent given to aid others. Despite this, Ed and Al continue working to return to their own form, meeting many adversaries on the way. After three years of fighting, and traveling, Ed and Al finally obtain what they had been looking for: The Philosopher's Stone. This legendary stone has the power to allow alchemists to bypass the Law of Equivalent Exchange. There is a catch, however. Al, still embodied in a suit of armor, has become the stone. When his brother is murdered by one of their many enemies, Al is forced (by his own choice), to sacrifice himself along with the stone to revive his brother.

Once Edward awakens, he discovers what has happened and decides that Al's choice was the wrong one, so in turn, Ed sacrifices himself, reviving Al and is forced to live in another, alternative world. Still in their home world, Al is revived, but without any memory of the journeys he had been on with his brother. Yet, in his heart, he feels the ache for his missing brother and vows to search for him.

Two years pass, with each brother trying anything they can to find each other. Alphonse has once again become a formidable alchemist, though one who only uses his strength to help others. Meanwhile, Ed is forced to search for his brother using other means than alchemy, since it does not exist in the world he lives in. It is not until a war erupts between their two worlds are they united. After defeating the force that threatens to destroy both worlds, Ed and Al have the chance to be together again. However, Ed, shouldering on the troubles of the war, decides he must be the one to leave his brother once more and close the gate that had been opened between the two worlds. He says a final goodbye to his brother as tears fill Al's eyes. Al, however, being as devious as his brother, boards the craft before Ed can notice. He hides inside a suit of armor until they reach the other side.

[Personality] One of the first things remembered about Alphonse Elric is how kind he is. This kindness sometimes comes off as naivety, though Alphonse is no where nearly so ignorant about how the world works. Still, he often extends a hand of friendship to strangers and enemies, even going so far to being polite to both. In the anime, this is shown in Alphonse's tendency to use suffixes even for enemies (Greed-san, Dante-san). Alphonse also does whatever he can to help those in need, sometimes even putting his life in danger for others.

But despite this kind side to Alphonse, he is also dangerous when angered. At times, he can be even more intimidating than his brother, though the armor he used to wear helps with this. Now, people often mistake him for someone who is not nearly as dangerous, though if anything, Alphonse is more so. His determination to do whatever it takes to find his brother leads him to dangerous and frightening experiences, which he overcomes and makes through with bravery and strength.

Finally, Alphonse has a curious affinity towards cats, even going so far as to pick up strays to keep them from the cold. While traveling with his brother, Alphonse was forced to give up many of them, but that hasn't stopped him from caring.

≈ ALCHEMY: One of Alphonse's major strengths is his ability to preform high level Alchemy, a power that is unique to his world. This "science" of changing one item to another item has rules and stipulations, including the fact that anything changed must have the same mass and elements. This means that a person cannot change water into wine, but might be able to change water into ice.

Within this field, Al is exceptional. Though most Alchemists are forced to draw out their Transmutation circles (symmetrical circles that are used to call forth the energy needed in transmutations), Alphonse has found a way around this. He wears two white gloves at all times, both with circles stitched into the palms, which allow him to simply clap his hands to create a circle. Much like his brother Edward does, but without the aid of gloves.

In Alchemy there are also those that excel in different areas. While some focus on the area of manipulating fire or metal, Alphonse is exceptionally strong in the area of soul alchemy. Because his own soul was bound to a suit of armor for so long, Al has gained the ability to transfer part of his soul to other suits of armor, thereby controlling them. Al can also manipulate certain weather conditions by using alchemy, such as controlling wind to create tornadoes.

Along with these two areas of Alchemy, Alphonse is also adept at creating weaponry from the elements around him. Because much of his world is constructed of normal elements and molecules, Alphonse can use Alchemy to fuse these elements together to form lances, spears, swords, or other items in times of need.

≈ HAND TO HAND COMBAT: Aside from Alchemy, Al is also very capable in the area of hand to hand combat. His teacher, Izumi Curtis, often taught that to train the mind you must also train the body. So while he learned Alchemy again in his determination to find his brother, Al also learned how to fight. He is well skilled and while his brother is renowned in his fighting abilities, even Edward once said that he had never won a fight against Al.

[Affection] Having recently been restored to his body, Al has the habit of liking to experience things, even if it's painful. He might drink scalding tea just because he wants to feel the burn.

How this applies to others: He can be touchy feely at times, with people he knows or is acquainted with, but would not allow those that he does no like or care for to touch him. He wouldn't initially fight back, but he might ask politely for you to not touch him.

[Fighting] To put it simply, while seeming like a nice kid who wouldn't harm a fly (and in most cases won't) Alphonse can kick your ass if driven to that point. It'll take a lot for him to want to actually fight to harm someone, as most of the time he'll only fight for training or to defend himself (in which case, he's very good, but fights to make sure the other person doesn't get hurt either). However, on the occasions that he does get pissed off enough, he'll really, really hurt you. Possibly even kill others, though he would rather not. For those that have seen or read Fullmetal Alchemist, consider Edward's sheer tenacity and fighting power and multiply that by two. Edward openly acknowledges that he has never beat his brother in a fight, and Alphonse's determination and strength are why.

That's not saying he can't be killed, of course. Given the right circumstances, like a surprise attack or an ambush... anyway that Al can be caught off guard, and he can be hurt. Take away his white gloves, and it's harder for him to fight with alchemy, though he can still rely on hand to hand combat.

[Other Facts] Want to make Al happy? Give him a kitty. :)


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