Jan 27, 2005 12:17
Once again, in the computer lab. But today is my last day of class for four days (no, I will not stop reminding you of my awesome schedual). I have Psych next, but I have no writing implements ::grins:: Unprepared again, apparently. Story of my life huh? Anyway, I need some reccomendations for decent free video editing sofware, for reasons I shall keep to myself, considering that when I tell people about it, all I get is disapproving remarks and unkindness. Onwards.
I have to take the bus system here, and, in relation to Christine's Post, I have a couple of stories, but none of them are as interesting, nor do they revolve around screaming in Russian.
One: Some messed up winos got on the bus and were having a very intenst argument about nothing in particular. Something about "Ngyaritoldjamunce iaintgonflickmeh whachoomegartoljer" I had a hard time not smiling and laughing, because it was possibly the most words said in the least amount of time ever.
Two (in which I miss my stop while trying to get a pin from between the seats): Umm kinda self explanatory. Needless to say, I didn't get the pin.
Three (In which I find an unscratched lotto ticket and win $2): Also Self explanatory.
That seems about right.
Im hungry right now, but I dont have the time to walk and get food. I wish I knew my way around this place. I might be able to properly nourish myself. Also, this keyboard sucks, but I'm not about to walk into the lab with my own keyboard. At least not withouth my "WASD" keys gold plated. ::grins::
I wish I were a bit more artistically inclined, then I may be able to make a decent web comic. I think I'd like it. I tried once, if you remember ::Grins::
It sucked, pretty much.