Bla blah?

Jun 04, 2003 08:12

Mom: Well, mom got fired from her job. Great, just great. Now were even more poor, and now when I work I have to give my mom half of what I make. Well.. I don't have too, but I will if they need it. It's one of those; you don't have to, but your guilted into it sorta thing. Peachy.

Kelly: Well, yay. Chris' girlfriend, doesn't hate me anymore. She actually found me quit amusing. And Chris is such a bastard. Kelly was in a skirt and he's rubbing on her legs saying; "You like that, Amanda? Hmm?" I grabbed the nearest book and became engulfed in it.

Smurf: Brittany called me last night. We had a nice long talk. It was cool. Wanna know something weird? I find it highly amusing. My voice, it turns her on. I can say something like: "Hi." and she is all like.. "H-Hi." Love ya, Britt. Torturing you is so fun. +Evil laughter.+ Muahahahaha.

AFI: They are my new obsession. At first I thought the CD was to morbid and depressing, but it's strangely addicting. They're music is amazing. I love it. I've only had it for 3 days and I already know five of the ten songs by heart. Yippee.

Mind: My mind hurts, if that is possible. So much to think about. I'm torn inside. Argh. +Imitates Winnie The Pooh From Kingdom Hearts.+ "Think, think, think."

Hime: I miss you, lots. ;-; Lovvvve you!

>-B A S I C Q U E S T I O N S-<

>[my name is]: Amanda Johnson.
>[height?]: 5'7''
>[in the morning i am]: Un-responsive. Someone has to press the button to
> turn me on, and no, not sexually. :D
>[all i need is]: Money, so I can go to my love, ya know?!
>[love is]: A beautiful thing but can be painful.
>[if i could see one person right now]: Guess. :D
>[im afraid of]: Rejection.
>[i dream about]: I can never quit remember when I sleep.. but when it
>comes to daydreams I think about story idea's, you know, me being a hot
>main character, killing people, guns, swords, Jessica in a hot outfit, me
>smacking her ass cos' it's so sexy. XD +Winks.+ Stuff like that.

>-H A V E . Y O U . E V E R . .
>[been in love]: Sure.
>[cried when someone died]: On my own, no, but when I see other people
>crying, I start.. it's like the domino effect.
>[Kissed Guy]: Mm Hm. Truth Or Dare, man.. I had to make out with
>several.. it was hey! Let's make the LESBIAN kiss MEN. And I'm no
>chicken so I did it. It wasn't that bad.. they're just a little to forceful.. and
>they have a different taste to them, if that makes ANY sense.
>[Liked It]: It meant nothing, so I cannot say if I enjoyed it. It was just a
>game. Now, the girls... whooo! I got dared more.. explicit things there. x.x;;
>[Lied]: I'm not perfect, but I try to be as honest as possible, even if I know it
>will hurt the other person..
>[Snuck Out]: To many times to count.
>[Kissed A Gurl]: Uhhhh...YEAH!
>[Stole $]: Okay! I admit it! I stole from my mom's quarter collection cos' I
>wanted a soda at school. +Mock Sob.+
>[Cried Yourself to Sleep]: Not to sleep, no. I have never cried then passed
>out from exhaustion, but I cry mostly at night.
>[Wanted To Kill Someone]: Many a time.
>[Saved An Animal's Life]: I fed all the stray cats around here. o.o +Shrug+
>[sit on the internet all day waiting for someone special to I.M. u?]: Not anymore. ;-;
>[save aol/aim conversations]: Only the super special, makes my heart
>swell with joy one's.
>[wish u were a member of the opposite sex]: Sometimes. Ranma style!
>[cried because of someone saying something to u]: No. Been upset, but
>not enough to cry about it. I mostly get pissed, though, and break shit.

>-W I T H . T H E . O P P O S I T E . S E X-
>[what do u notice first?]: I notice the way a person carries themselves the
>most. I'm an observer. Are they confident? Friendly? How about funny?
>Personality. And the eyes.
>[last person u slow danced with]: My mom. Heh. ^^; She was all
>depressed cos' she got fired, so I was like: +Fat bastard voice.+ "Eye
>ahm so sexxxxy, ya? Dance with me my little fillay." And I made her dance
>all retarded with me. Does that count?
>[worst question]: Ahahaha! I feel your pain, Lee. "Is you a dude or a gurl,
>yo?" ME: "I'm Jesus." "Ay yo, that ain't funny." ME: "I'm serious." :D
>+Walks away.+

>-W H O-
>[makes u laugh the most?]: I make people laugh, usually. Uhm. Chris,
>then. +Chris says in a preacherious voice.+ "And the good lord said to
>me... gimme some fried chicken!" XD
>[makes you smile]: Jess, Lee, Brittany, Chris, Tony, Steve.
>[gives u a funny feeling when u see them]: Like, bad funny. Like there's
>something wrong with that person? Uhm, that would have to be.. my
>sister's friend Danielle. She is a tard.. I get a bad vibe from a lot of
>people. But like, if you mean funny nervous.. then I get really weird around
>this girl Shivon. She's intimidating for some reason.
>[do you have a crush on?]: No one. o.o
>[has a crush on u?]: If someone does they haven't made it known to me.
>[easiest to talk to?]: Chris.

>-H A V E . Y O U . E V E R-
>[fallen for ur best friend]: Once, yes. Uhm.. hope your heart mended nicely
>Ciara.. +Wince.+ Did you piece it back together nicely?
>[been rejected?]: You betcha.
>[rejected someone]: Yes.
>[used someone]: They knew they were being used, and didn't care.
>[been cheated on]: Yep. Been there, seen that.
>[done something u regret]: Of course.

>-W H O . W A S . T H E . L A S T . P E R S O N-
>[u talked to on the phone]: Chris.
>[u hugged]: +Hugs Tenjou.+ :D There ya go. In real life I clung to Chris.
>He's the coolest. Were best friends, siblings. We know when the other is
>pissed or upset. We sense things from one another. And were on the
>same page in regards to mentality, likes, and personality.
>[u kissed]: No one.
>[u instant messaged]: Brittany.
>[instant messaged you?]: Sarah.
>[u laughed with]: Chris. XD

>-D O . Y O U-
>[color ur hair]: Yup. It's orange now. Soon to be blue.
>[ever get off the damn computer]: I'm only on at school now. ;-;

>-D O . Y O U / / A R E . Y O U-
>[smoke cigarettes]: Used too.
>[obsessive]: Nope.
>[could u live without the computer?]: I'm doing it now. Don't like it, but I can, as you can see. +Twitch Twitch.+
>[how many peeps are on ur buddylist?]: 30+.
>[what's your favorite food?]: Italian.
>[whats ur favorite fruit?]: I love oranges, man! Mm!
>[drink alchohol?]: Sometimes.
>[like watching sunrises or sunset]: Very much so.

>[what hurts the most, physical or emotional pain?]: Mental. Yes,
>mental, definately.
>[Do you trust others way too easily?]: Sadly, no.
>[Do you ever wish you had another name?]: Nah.
>[Do you have a girlfriend/boyfriend?]: Mm Hm.
>[Do you like anyone?]: Nope. I'm happy, thanks.
>[Which one of your friends acts the most like you?]: Chris! Anyone getting tired of hearing his name, yet?
>[Who have you known the longest of your friends:] Um. Tyler.
>[Who's the loudest:] Crystal.
>[Who's the shyest:] None of my friends are shy. None. o.o
>[Are you close to any family members?]: Don't faint, people.. but as of late.. my mom and I.. are getting along.
>[Who do you go to for stuff?]: Anywhere.
>[Who do you hang around the most?]: Chris, Stevo, James, and Tony.
>[When you cried the most:] The most? WTF? Am I suppose to count tears?
>[What's the best feeling in the world:] Love.
>[Worst Feeling:] Despair. Not being able to attain the peace you so long for.
>[What time is it now?] 10:53

>[coke or pepsi]: Pepsi.
>[flowers or candy]: Flowers. You can't eat them.
>[tall or short]: - shrug -
>[Cake or Ice Cream]: I don't really care for either.
>[Taco or Burger]: Who cares.
>[Baseball or Softball]: Baseball. I can't throw underhand, man.
>[Black or White]: Black.
>[Britney or Christina]: I liked Britney when she first came out.
>[Vanilla Coke or Pepsi Blue]: Either or.
>[Walk or Run]: Power walk.
>[1 or 2]: Uh, who cares?
>[Cat or Dog]: Either or.

>- ARE . YOU -
>[Paranoid]: Very rarely.
>[Gay]: Hell yes.
>[A Drag Queen]: If you put me in a dress, yeah.
>[Happy With Yourself And Appearance]: My appearance could be better, but I'm just >starting now to accept myself as I am. People seem to love me as I am so I'm happy, I
>[A Christian]: Yes and no.
>[Buddhist]: Nah, but I like to study different religions. They fascinate me.
>[Muslim]: No.
>[Islam]: No.
>[Country]: America? Shit, what's this suppose to mean?
>[City]: Bridgeport.
>[A hillbilly]: No.
>[Prissy]: Sometimes. Hehe. A big ole dyke, prissy. It's funny I gotta to tell ya that.
>[Bored With Typing This Survey So You Are Going To Stop]: I'm cool, but oh well.
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