Aloha, Party People

Jan 15, 2004 15:05

Today is my first post.

I'm at work.

Searching for proof or refutal of the dreadful claim that plucking nose hairs can cause some incurable nose hair follicle disease, I bumped into a post by a young girl in Pittsburgh who was so cool, I had to get in on the action.

Why did I develop a momentary crush on an online chic and join this phenomenon known as "LiveJournal"?

It was the creativity exhibited in her fashion design, exultation of her friends, and general aura of mystique that drew me in to read her postings. Not only is she a first generation American with parents from Russia, but she left for Rome to study for a semester TODAY. New beginnings and new endings offer up proof of the synchronicity of the Cosmos, it seems.

After browsing, I realized what truly bitchin' website this is and I look forward to exploring through the galleries that other folks have created for themselves. Not only that, but I've never kept a journal even though I do a fair amount of writing. LiveJournal may afford me the opportunity to post a bit of the better stuff for my fellow folks to enjoy.

Yup, so it's back to work for me and good luck to the young lady travelling to one of the most surreal experiences of her life. Cheers and Godspeed, girly! Ha! You thought I was going to spill the beans on her name, well, NO! That would be extremely discourteous of me as we haven't even been introduced yet.
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