i have the rice shirt done, ill get the rest done tomorrow and put the rice one on ebay or soemthing haha.
guys to see a video of me sexually pleasuring my remote or something go
the other ones better but too sexual. thank tyler for that 2 seconds of pure porn. (actually i was impersonating how tom delonge sings into the microphone and took it a little overboard)
so yeah im really bored and have a giant headache and i found
thats me saying 'i dunt know'
my mouth looks wicked funny
one eye looks larger
im scared. i always sit weird too
my knees are always up to my shoulders
i have pictures of tyler and i but im going to ask permission before i put them on even though i want to. because im nice.
schools okay. im looking foward to a lot this week& weekend. deffinitly not looking foward to making that movie in health, haha. i got more christmas gifts tonight. my mom went crazy this year. snow more please i want to sleep a lot.