I realize now that I am one; a threefold terror
I am forever
Stability eternal, peace
Unchanging changes - inertia
Time and procreation
Insight, look within
Driving force of mother earth; sex
through the senses Plow
Seeding the land, building
'I possess'
In the air I see
I imitate. I simulate my dream, wandering
Always my mind wonders, question
Questions and uncertainty, seeking
Cooperation, Duality
That is happy, sad
Right, wrong
'I think'
Roaring from inside out
Grand and splendor
Passion, loyalty and respect
Braving A Lionheart fire
To learn the true meaning of Love
'I will'
....bravely being a threefold terror....
"Be brave enough to live creatively"
TaGeLi - 2,3,5
The threefold terror of Love: