This is a meme in which you TALK FOREVER. How it goes:
1. Make a thread for yourself in this post, listing the characters you play and your own name.
2. Go find someone's thread to jump and ask them A QUESTION. The question can be anything, RP related is common, of course, but not necessary. Who do you want to app most? What does Character A think about Character B? What's your favorite flavor of icecream?
3. Answer all questions asked of you! Once you have answered, end your response with a question for the person who first questioned you.
4. This goes back and forth indefinitely until someone gets tired and can't reply anymore.
5. Have a lot of fun! ♥
This game is a fun way to get to talk to people, headcanon, and learn things you didn't know before! Because it involves gives and take, it can go quite a while and everyone can participate and possibly make friends.