This is kind of a weird plotting post? But let's just call it a plotting post for now.

Jan 21, 2012 21:48

Okay, so I've been exactly...nowhere. For like, months now. A large portion of the blame can be heaped upon the fact that I'm currently working two jobs that, usually 4-5/7 days a week, require me to be up at 5:00AM and back home at 7:00PM. Both jobs are pretty physically exhausting and hella stressful, and I barely have time to decompress in the evenings, let alone summon the energy for RP

So. I've come to the decision to drop Yosuke until (if the spot isn't taken, and I certainly don't mind if it is, a big part of why I'm dropping instead of hiatusing is character squatting reasons) June, when the school I'm teaching at closes for the summer. I plan to bring him back clean slatted though, so...Yosuke gon die!

This is basically where the plotting part comes in.

Okay, so, Yosuke's partner (Jade Harley) recently disappeared. He was on a mission with her that went wrong and partially blames himself for BREW sending her home. Don't ask him to follow that line of internal logic, because it's stupid and he's stupid for having it gjdsl. Nothing like a bad end canon point to make an already self-loathing character THAT MUCH MORE SO. But I digress. On top of that blow to his morale, one of his very closest friends and maybe kinda guy he's kissed/'been with'/it's complicated (Kurt Hummel) has also poofed away.


A post is going up pretty much right after this one, and Yosuke's going to be fishing for a meister to go on a mission with. His arm is still in a sling from his questionably successful mission with Jade, even if he'll be swearing up and down that he's fit to fight. He'll take any meister, literally any. Even if he doesn't like you. He's just kinda desperate for anyone who will take him. He's not powerful enough to accept missions unpartnered, especially not injured.

ALSO, if you have CR with Yosuke and want to have...well, not exactly goodbye threads, 'cuz Yosuke's is still Teenage Boy enough to think he'll be fine racing into reckless danger to blow off some steam. But he's got a few things he needs to do (re: Sollux, for example, he's got a letter from Kurt he has to read to you, and I know he has an overdue visit to Rei on the books), let me know so I can get to all of it! I really want to send Yosuke to his doom with no regrets (well, on my end anyway), so I can bring him back in June and....well, not exactly pick up where we left off, but rebuild down interesting new/old paths.

SC is the best game I've ever been with and this decision was made with much hemming and hawing on my part, because there is literally no other game I'd rather be in. I'm nearing my 1 year anniversary here and I will be pining like crazy until I come back. ;; Fucking work. Taking up all my Pretending To Be An Imaginary Character time.

SO YES, HIT ME? I realize we're moving to DW soon, and a lot of this stuff is going to take place there. If you can't post on LJ for whatever reason but want to respond to this, I'm homophones over on DW! Feel free to message me and we can plot there as well!

plot, drop

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