Doing this before I forget...

Feb 24, 2011 16:34


EVENT ANNOUNCEMENTS. The regular patrol log will be kicking in next month - first week of March, or thereabouts. I'll post again when I have an exact date planned out, and expect a coordination post on that to go up as well.

We're also going to have a mingling log once more new people come in - it will double up, however, as the meeting log that Roy was meant to have before he wound up in the hospital. Make sure to clear your calendars for that: IC announcement will be within the next day change, and the log itself will be going up on the 24th, in-game.

Outsiders and people whose muses are interested in joining the Watch are welcome.

NEW POSITIONS OPEN. I'll be adding this to the actual post, but Roy's been looking for people who can man his office - they're not expected to patrol, but they are supposed to help him out with paperwork and the like. If interested, ping here.

OTHER REMINDERS. Watch folks are assumed to be on their shifts unless they absolutely cannot make it - they're also expected to be at training on a daily basis. These things are generally handwaved, but it might be good to keep them in mind when you guys plan out logs for your pups!

ON sexy MOTORBIKES. Watch people are expected to have a bike for so long as they can drive. There's transportation stuff on the mod post for signing up for apartments, so if you think your muses have wheels or should have them, mosey on over to that form. XD

Oh yeah. Please let me know if your muse HAS a bike already, and is using it for patrol. That way, I can note it down!

ON THE WEAPONS AND SUPPLIES REGISTRY. As stated in the Watch website ( over here), Watch members that do not have partners are licensed to carry weapons. ICly, how it goes is that at the moment you sign up, Roy has your muse fill out a request form detailing the kind of weapon you want to use. It's up to him, however, to determine what you ultimately end up with, based on the supply and his assessment of your muse.

I should have done this earlier, buuuut better late than never, right? As such: I need all of you to reply with the name of your muse who's on the Watch and the weapon they requested for. Some things to keep in mind:

1.) Every Watch member is licensed to carry just TWO weapons of choice. Ideally, it should be one ranged weapon and one melee, but you can mix and match.
2.) Whatever is decided here is meant to replace whatever you've come up with on your own for your muses. We're doing this to keep things realistic. Roy, for example, wouldn't allow you to carry bombs, so it wouldn't do to assume that you were. There is also the issue of exotic or heavy weaponry that might be a bit too dangerous or risky to just lug around on patrol I know it's IC for some folks to have things like that, but it's also IC for Roy and Shibusen to want to keep things as safe as possible within Death City. As a general rule, the things Roy will allow people to carry are weapons typically used by police men and patrol folk. Anything outside of that is up to negotiation.
3.) If your muse is partnered, but you still want them to have a weapon of some sort, you're free to reply as well.

If you want your muse to request for particular supplies that aren't weapons, let me know here as well.

UPDATING LISTS: this is a roster of all of the Watch members so far, written semi-ICly. If you have additions or corrections to any of the info listed there, lemme know.

If you've got any questions about any of this, feel free to let me know.


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