Nov 03, 2005 17:30
I've realized in the last few days how much anger I still have. Not with my most recent break-up, just with the way my life has gone. Hell, some of the anger is directed towards myself for the idiotic lapses in judgement I've been prone to in the past. Believe it or not, I've let much of my anger go. What scares me is that thewre's still so much left over. No one has lit the fuse, luckily.. I pray that I someday will not have a fuse to light, but right now I do and to be honest it ain't that long a fuse.. I'm not, by nature, a violent guy, but if I get pushed, I push back until I've shoved you through the window and down to the street below.. And after that, I'll wind up pissing on your unconscious body for pushing me that far in the first place! I'm a happy guy for the most part, I just despise being 1- fucked with and 2- talked down to (actually, that one should be number one, because it the surest way to experience my anger both verbally and physically)... I get these urges now and then though... Like Edward Norton in "Fight Club", ... sometimes "I just want to destroy something beautiful"... I think part of this comes with being the passionate, emotional person I naturally am.. Anyway, that's what's on the mind of your humble narrator this evening..
I cut my bloody heart out every night,
the narrator