
May 05, 2010 13:22

Characters: Conrad Weller, Yozak Gurrier, Shibuya Yuuri
Location: Starting at the Communal Apartments and then heading all over.
Rating: PG
Time: August 3rd.
Description: Yuuri wants to head out and try to search for the Scarecrow. Conrad and Yozak go along with Yuuri to keep their young king out of trouble, but trouble ends up finding them.

He knew that it was best to stay inside with all of the attacks that have been going on lately, but Yuuri knew that he couldn't just sit by and do nothing. There had to be something he could do even if it was to understand why the doctor was doing all of this. Doctor Crane seemed so nice and helpful, and besides that, he's a doctor! They were people who helped people and wouldn't do things like this without reason, right? Yuuri wouldn't believe it until he'd found Crane and had asked him himself!

Running out from his apartment, Yuuri barely remembered to shut the door closed behind him as he made his way straight for the stairs. There wasn't any time to wait for the elevator to come to his floor, and as he opened the door to the stairs, the young Maou leapt his way down to the ground floor. It was fortunate for him that he wasn't that high up in the apartment building.

The foyer area wasn't all that crowed, and as he pulled the PDA from his pocket, Yuuri pushed his way outside. He had better call Conrad to tell him what he was doing. The last thing he wanted was to act as recklessly as he did the last time and injure Conrad like he had Gwendal. He still felt guilty over that, and he didn't want it to happen again.

conrart weller, shibuya yuuri, yozak gurrier

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